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Nice way to keep our Babies feathers


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Fantastic idea! Unfortunately my cats would love that a little too much though!


When Alfie was younger I had a photo album that was unused so I took some photos, kept his hatch certificate and other info and also put a few of his feathers in there. :)

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Nice! I have a bag full of Dayo's primary, secondary and tail feathers that have been saved from the day we brought him home. A dream catcher seems to be one way to put some of them to use. Thanks for posting this. :)

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We're all strange! LOL! Baby book here, even though two weren't babies when they came to me. Certificates, first feathers. Everything else in their book are pictures. LOTS of them! Kids always complain I have more pictures of birds than them. NOT true! I have TONS of pictures of kids.... just need to finish putting them in a photo album. Nancy

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