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hello, hellooo HELLOO .. i think its great :)

charlie boy

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:) well if you guessed this is charlies first word and does he love it at the moment haha


he picked it up clearly about 4 weeks ago but has been practicing non stop since ;)


its even more funny when the kids come home from school and he has been sat quiet for a hour or so. as soon as he hears them come charging up the drive & even before they get in the door... its HELLO HELLO HELLO loud and in 4 or 5 different tones haha its great to hear him start talking, but to be fair he is just the same talking or not to us :D


so what was your grey first word ??

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The only thing Sukei does that is recognizable is the sexy whistle, don't know if it has a spelling LOL


the wolf whistle ? lol yeah charlie does that to everyone, its very flattering when he ignores the mrs and wolf whistles at me as we walk in lol :)

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i always used to use the clicker noise (if you know what i mean lol) with my mouth to get the attention of my late dog and my friends dogs when they come to visit, well charlie picked up straight away that when i make that sound with my mouth the dog would come straight away and sit next to me, so charlie quickly used this new noise to his advantage haha :)


he would click at the dog and it would come to his cage haha it was funny watching it as he climbed down the bottom then puffed himself up at my friends dog :)

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ooooo I agree he doesnt speak words but he loves to whistle with me. he has only been here a week and a half and is learning bridge over the river kwai he does the first two whistles then I do the next section. it is fun and he has learned it so fast!

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Gracie's first word/phrase was "step up". Then "Hi baby". From 10-13 months she just said a few words here and there, and then at 14 months she started adding new words and phrases daily. They are all on their own timetable. It is fun as they learn and communication takes place.

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Alfie has always preferred noises over words. He picks up whistles and other noises very quickly but takes longer for words. He also communicates better when I'm not in the room with him. He goes very quiet and only makes a few odd noises when I'm in the room. But when I leave he soon pipes up with his various noises. He's 10 years old and is still learning. Most recently he learned to say "good day" in a posh voice thanks to my friend. He has learned a few other words and phrases over the years but uses these sparingly.


Within a couple of days of living in the new house, Alfie had picked up the sound of the neighbours car alarm that kept going off. He takes many days and sometimes weeks and months to start using new words though!


I always find it exciting (even ten years on) when he starts mumbling to himself in different voices- usually means he's practicing a new sound/word.

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All birds learn to communicate at different ages. I TRULY believe, that most baby greys learn first to communicate thru whistling. After that... an ocassional word thru time.I think most baby greys follow the same pattern as human babies up until the age of two. Some talk early, some don't. I also believe, those that are quiet and say an ocassional word... are busy learning and absorbing. Nancy

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you have a lot to look forward to. When I come in I usually sit down with my husband downstairs for a few minutes before going upstairs where Tobie is. I have to listen to " Hey Jan, Helllloooooo! How was your day? (Pause) Jan, Hey Jan-bird! (Pause) Hey Jan! Come get the bird. Jay-bird, Hey Jay-bird, come open the door. " and so on until I get up and go upstairs to see the little guy. He is 6 years old now.

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Felix just turned a year old last week. At exactly 11 months he was sitting on my shoulder and I asked him if he wanted to give me a kiss. He turned to me and said, "wanna give me a kiss?" It was in my voice too. He hadn't uttered a word before then but just spit out a whole sentence like it was nothing. He hasn't said anything since then that I have heard but whistles a lot and mimics lots of noises. They are definitely on their own time table.

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  • 3 weeks later...

some great storys :)


well charlie is learning a few more words now lol he has been caught saying very quietly (shut up shut up & behave :)) he must have learned these from the kids getting told off haha


he has also started mumbling sentances but i cant make out what he was saying, so everyday is a school day in here it seams :)

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some great storys :)


well charlie is learning a few more words now lol he has been caught saying very quietly (shut up shut up & behave :)) he must have learned these from the kids getting told off haha


he has also started mumbling sentances but i cant make out what he was saying, so everyday is a school day in here it seams :)


i am going to have to quote myself here :)


charlie has been mumbling sentances as i mentioned, i have just heard him from the kitchen not half an hour ago, say "hello son, what's up" as clear as day haha


he is at it now as i type trying to draw my attention lol



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