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What's going on with my TAG?


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I wonder if anything has changed and it could be most anything that may not seem like anything to you or maybe she has become more independent and prefers to interact from a little distance. Can you tell us more so we might be able to help you with this.

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With a rehomed parrot, sometimes they will cooperate in the beginning, that's why it is referred to as a honeymoon period. Gilbert went through this where he stepped up for me for months. He suddenly would avoid me and has not stepped up for me for a long time now. Yet, he will step up for any of our family members and even for people he has met for the first time. I believe it initiated with him at the time I got braces on my teeth. The odd thing with us is, if Gilbert is on the floor, away from his cage, especially if he needs "rescued" or to join our family in another room, he is all up for me to offer him a step up away from his cage. He stepped off his travel cage for me when we were away. It seems somehow associated with his own cage here at home that he does not want to step up. I go about it by enticing him off the cage with something he wants, then I offer a step up and he will usualy oblige. Gilbert is about the same age as your little girl, maybe older. I think long term patience is the way to go. If you have moved any furniture, or changed any small thing you might be able to trace back when she started balking at a step up. I have about six more months with the braces and wonder if Gilbert will come back to me when they are gone.

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She is constantly out of her cage. I meant to say she moves to the back of the top of the cage. We went through the "honeymoon" stage. I coaxed her out of that by offering her seeds to step up. That worked well. But now, however, she's not even interested in that.


There was a point where she was shedding a lot of feathers (not plucking). It seems that has stopped but she is still distant.

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My birds did this also.I mean ALL of them.Many don't agree with my belief in always being taller than them, but it worked for us. I discovered it on a fluke. My birds all LOVE the top of cage.When I got a step stool they stepped up when I was taller.When everyone thought I was crazy...I thought okay...Kiki on top of fridge,I wanted her down, tested that theory and got bit. First bite in a decade and my last. Back to always being taller.Nancy

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