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T-minus 3 days!!! ACK!


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We are picking up our baby African grey, little miss Avah, this Saturday! I am so excited but also nervous! We are buying our cage that day from the store owners as well as food. We have already bought a few toys, a foraging toy, a wood perch, travel carrier and food bowls. We are going to purchase a table top play stand (thinking this one... http://www.amazon.com/Cage-Co-Java-Table-Size/dp/B005VEV86K/ref=pd_sim_sbs_petsupplies_2) and a shower perch. What else do we need for her? Thanks!

Edited by goldilocks
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Not too long now, even though it will seem like eons before Saturday. So stay busy, do lots of lunges, squats, jumps up in the air like your going to perform a dunk shot and run 10 miles each morning to get ready for the new arrival. This will help time fly (tongue in cheek) faster. Oh and start cooking huge breakfasts early in the morning to get used to your new baby grey demands. :)

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  goldilocks said:
We are picking up our baby African grey, little miss Avah, this Saturday! I am so excited but also nervous! We are buying our cage that day from the store owners as well as food. We have already bought a few toys, a foraging toy, a wood perch, travel carrier and food bowls. We are going to purchase a table top play stand (thinking this one... http://www.amazon.com/Cage-Co-Java-Table-Size/dp/B005VEV86K/ref=pd_sim_sbs_petsupplies_2) and a shower perch. What else do we need for her? Thanks!



A nice camera - we demand baby pics! ;)

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Don't forget the food and water! LOL! In all honesty...three toys maximum in cage. Don't be surprised that baby loves chewing your checkbook and notes left with instructions better.Pinatas has always been a sophie favorite. Tear and shred, is Sophie's motto.Safety check...all electrical outlets plugged. All blinds that have string pulls gone, all plants inside researched or gone. Safety guards put on cabinets that contain chemicals.Just a basic. I learned to treat Sophie like a two year old human. Hope this helps. Nancy

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Everything is going fabulous! Avah is absolutely amazing and keeps shocking us at how well she's doing! We are so very in love with our little miss Avah! We were prepared for giving her lots of time, slow transitions and intros but she has done so splendid and we are going at her pace which is faster then we expected! She's coming into a big family all of whom love her lots, but Mom and Dad wanted the first 24 hours to spend some good quality time with Avah and making sure her adjustment was easier so two of our kids are currently at grandma's and grandpa's. :) Avah has 3 big brothers and 1 big sister (our black lab). She's eating wonderfully (TONS of food already), drinking water (we didn't forget water ;)), playing with her many toys, fluffing her feathers/preening and talking! We are seriously having to try and not get overly excited and hold her too much lol. :) Thanks everyone for the well wishes, advice and help!! I will continue to update you all on our little miss Avah! :) Some pictures...


At her first home, saying hello to dad and about to go to her forever home!



Out of the travel carrier finally, long trip home!



Checking out her play top on her cage



Loving her forever home!



Her littlest big brother saying hi


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Things are going very well!! She is learning to go potty in the garbage and she's pretty much got it down (only took a few hours and she got it)! She is just so smart and we are so in love with her!! We can clearly hear her say 'step up', 'hello' and 'hi'. We think we hear something that sounds like 'i love you' but maybe we are just wishing on that one ;) lol I can't believe how fast she is learning!! :) Thanks everyone for your comments and support, as always appreciated! :)

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