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What's your parrot's name???

majd seffarini

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ok everyone so why don't everyone share what his parrots name is, I'm getting one this week so I haven't picked out a name yet I'll post his name the minute I name him but until then let's see what you named your little feathered friend and does he know you're talking to him when you call his name or answer back to you?:D;):P:o:)

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Nilah, Talon, Rikki, Piper. And YES they all know their names and which name goes to which parrot. I can call them by their name and ask them where they are, and they will reply back with a whistle or word or my name...BIRD as they call me.

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My guys name is Jake. He does know what his name is though I have never heard him say his name or refer to himself at all. While waiting for the DNA report to come back I decided on Jake for a boy and Molly for a girl.

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Hi Majd Seffarini. Welcome. Looking forward to reading about your new guy.

Misty knows all his names. He has a contact call name that he whistles. He also knows Misty, Misty Parrot and Misty Pie. He calls me "Horrible Boy" when he is cross and "Cmear" . Occasionally he even calls me "Steve":D


Steve n Misty

Edited by Mistyparrot
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My guys and Peanut, Skittles and Mr. Miriah. Yes they all know thier names and respond when spoken to. They all know thier 'pet' names too as Mr. Peanut, Special baby, Skittles, Skits, Skitsapenic, Beautiful baby. Yes, I know, I have too many pet names LOL.

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Corky is my 12 year old+ CAG and has been with us all her life and yes she knows her name along with some other choice names.

Cricket is my 17+ year old BFA who has been with us for four + years knows her name.

And than there is Willie my 22 year old cockatiel who has been with us all his life and boy dose he know his name.

All three talk and say their names along with many many other words and names.

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I had a brain not working moment when i got to these last ones but here goes, Red, Blue, Scotty and Owen and of course Mr. Juice. And my cockatoo was Cockapoo. Sorry having having 28 birds i just could not think of fun names anymore.lol

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My TAG is named Escher. He's almost a year old and we've only had him 7 weeks. Not sure if he knows his name or not, he doesn't really respond to it or say it, he does know the dogs name really really well but he thinks "Bowser's a pretty bird". We are trying to teach him "Bowser's a pretty dog" but no go yet.

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Brutus the CAG. Definitely knows his name and refers to himself often with endearments lie, "Brutus is a smart boy!" He also knows the other parrot's names and tells them he loves them, etc. He knows me as "Mama" or "Sharon."

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Kookie was my previous grey, he new himself and responded to the name. He also new my name and called me

I have an 11 month baby CAG whose name is Mr. Pookie


He hasnt learned his name yet but when I call him he looks at me across the room :)

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Dayo and Jake. Both know their names, respond to them and call each other by their respective names. Although Jake the conure has a very high pitched scratchy voice, unlike Dayo that sounds exactly like me.

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So, we have Bongo, Gabby who are CAGS, both know their names and respond. Gabby calls hubby (Pat) Howard and Bongo has only said his name once that Pat got to hear. Then we have 2 blue and golds, Oliver and Bubba. Oliver only says hello and once he did say Bubba. Bubba says alot, both know their names and Bubba even says "what" when you call him. Then there is Gus, an umbrella who does know his name but has selective hearing. He mumbles words and you can make them out but his fav saying is "pick me up!" which he says anytime he isn't on you. They don't call these guys velcro birds for nothing.

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