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Everything posted by VoHooman

  1. Hey guys: This is Coco one of my friends lovely grey, unfortunately as you can see he has feather problems, he has a vet appointment in three days so I wanted to ask if you can identify his problem, and tell me what she can do until his appointment. Update: My friend claims that he is not picking his feathers, they are falling. Thanks guys,
  2. So this is normal? I thought he is special. Thank you guys!
  3. Tooka recently soak everything I give him into his water. For example, he puts all of his toys that are fallen to his water, then play with them, I give him corn, he puts the corn completely in water and then eats it. I don't know why he is doing this but this is funny. Except that I have to change his water every five minutes. So you guys have any idea? Is he trying to wash them?
  4. Mine is Tooka and I believe he has no idea what is his name as he is with us only for 1.5 month.
  5. WoW, congratulations from me, I'm longing for the day Tooka talks!
  6. Thanks Judygram, also I wish you happy days and nights and most of all I wish you good health as that is the best gift of all.

  7. Oh my god, thanks for the warning, Tooka's cage is just 2 meters from router.
  8. This measures have been taken in the last week, I'm giving him more calcium rich foods just be sure.
  9. I was thinking I'm like this because he is my first pet, anyway I'm trying to even enjoy being worried so I can enjoy having him in my company.
  10. Thanks guys, I think I should stop worrying to much about him.
  11. Sorry guys I feel like I'm spamming here but is this a serious beak crack? Tooka is trusting me to touch his beak these days and while I was giving him a treat I suddenly noticed that this crack wasn't here before These are his new pics: Here is his photoroom threat for any previous pics if you need them: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?198856-Tooka-PhotoRoom Thanks in advance guys.
  12. Thanks Ray, I am building more toys for him, his toys only stands 2-3 days!
  13. Hey guys sorry I was away for a while. I was busy with exams and Tooka, but I'm back with a question. So recently I'm building Tooka's toys as my father runs a wood industry. Tooka loves them and plays most of the time with them and my mother thinks that he eats less and mostly play with his toys. Is it possible that he eats less because he is playing? Is it okay? OUT OF SUBJECT, TOOKA'S UPDATE: Tooka is now taking food from my hand from out of his cage fearlessly ( I mean my hand is outside his cage, he eats from my hand inside but he is a little bit nervous) . He now knows that when I'm giving him nuts he should whistle for every each of them. I stop reading magazines to him as I should spend most of my time studying, instead I sing songs for him when I'm hand feeding him. He is less scared from us and more active.
  14. ;Leonili I'm really glad to hear it, as it seems, he will be greyt in no time and my prayers are answered!
  15. My heart is with you and your grey mate, I hope he will be sound and healthy soon, I will prey for him.
  16. Thanks to Dave for resizing the photos, I will upload the photos somewhere else next time. And Thanks to Brat Birds!
  17. We all know grey wants to conquer the world, I think it's their way of challenging the mother of nature!
  18. Here is Tooka's photo room! I hope everyone enjoys the new pics, I will update regularly! Also I will write his mood under the picture! Is this a Camera? We had one of those in jungle! God, it klicks! Okay so I know this won't hurt me, go on have fun! Do you really like to take pictures from my back? I'm a boy! Oh whatever, Gravity!
  19. Sorry to jump in but as a photographer I thought I might be able to help you, I don't recommend using flash for animals but if you use a flash you can have a freeze like photo easily. If you don't want to use flash, use somewhere with good lightning and put your camera in sport mode and you can have a perfect pic like Dave's awesome profile pic!
  20. Thanks, the yawning problem is also solved he is not doing it anymore. Man I was worried to death never experienced it before. Thanks danmcq, you are a life saver!
  21. He sneezed once more and doing something like yawning. He closes his eyes and doing something like yawning opening his beaks.
  22. Thanks, no he is not imitating he hasn't developed this skill yet. In the past week that he is in our home I haven't heard her sneezing so I was worried. Also my mother accidentally gave him a orange and it seems that my mother forgot to bring out the seed and ate it so I was super worried about his health and was watching her. Thanks again! I hope he is okay!
  23. Hey everyone I have a question, what's does an african grey do if they catch cold? I heard Tooka sneezing twice today so he might be catching a cold, what can I do to stop it if that's the situation? what's the syptoms?
  24. Welcome! I'm new too around here! I read your post in other section and I want to thank you for rescuing those lovely greys, I'm no pro so I only can wish the best for both of them and prey.
  25. So funny and so true even with my 1 week experience!
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