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Cell Phone Radiation

Branden Cohen

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Great experiment by ninth graders on the negative impacts of wireless radiation. See link below showing that plants won't grow near wireless routers, in fact they die. If wireless frequencies negatively affect plants, how might they affect humans and animals? Consider turning off all wireless routers, phones and such at night in the house/apartment and place parrot cages/stands away from wireless routers and all high sources of EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies). You can buy a simple device called a trimeter to test if your feathered friends are living in a clean zone (less than 3 milligauss). Finally, check the place where you sleep to make sure your bed area is less than 3 mg as well.


9th Grade Experiment




Link on were to get a good trimeter. I have no affiliation with this company but have used this devise for years. They work great. http://www.trifield.com/content/trifield-meter/

Edited by Branden Cohen
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Just a quick note as an FYI - - Wireless Routers output 100 times less energy than a Cell Phone.... so if you really want to worry about RF power density harming your loved ones, consider trashing your cellphone. The wireless router is insignificant comparatively speaking. :)

Edited by danmcq
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Dan , my wireless router is right behind Nilahs cage on the windowsill, what are your thoughts on safety?


Hi Penny. My first thoughts on this. Is if it's literally only inches or perhaps a foot away from Nilah's cage. I would be worried about wet food items hitting it or maybe even water droplets being slung from the cage and causing a short circuit and burning up electronic components that sometimes give off poisonous gases as the electrical component burns up. I personally would move the wireless router simply because that seems like less than the ideal place to have it. The other factor to consider, is even though the RF energy being output from the router is very low. If Nilah is in the cage for example 8 hours a day, she is being exposed to the RF at a close distance everyday. Still, no harm from it really, but why have the router that close?

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Thanks Dan, Nilah is a very neat eater and never splashes or throws food, believe it or not.


The reason it is there, is it is plugged into the modem which is mounted under the window sill and the router sits on the windowsill above it. Half of Nilah's cage is in front of the window. The router is there as it was the only place the birds wouldn't chew the wires. So, you still believe I should find another place, the floor? Don't know...

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I know you have probably had the Router there since the cable was installed. So since no food or liquid is ever hitting it, it should be ok. I was just cautioning on worst case scenarios. Again, the RF from that wireless router is very low. So thats not a worry really. :)

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Dan, upon what research are you basing your opinion that wireless routers have no danger? If it's even a question, it is best to move parrots, people and plants away from wireless routers. Did you view the experiment I posted at the beginning of this thread? Seeds, i.e. plants, did not grow near routers and they died. Wireless radiation, which includes routers, is the next wave of health concern in people's homes. I recommend caution and advise people move themselves and their pets and plants away from routers. Please view the following resource:



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Hi Brandon - I am an electronic engineer...... Wireless router in home output 100 times less RF than a Cell Phone. If you wish to get more worried about EMF, worry about them next electrical outlets and the internal wiring of your home inside walls close to your birds as well.


Here are a few references. There has been a ton of studies on this over the last 20 years,







Edited by danmcq
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Nancy yes, radiation is big in planes and also in new cars. My wife and and I took a gauss meter to dealerships when buying a new car. For those driving subarus, you are in luck, they are very low. Just about ever other new car is high. My Toyota Tundra truck is pretty low though many cars are quite high down by the feet. For those driving Audis, your private parts are being irradiated at a very high rate, well over 150 miligauss continuos. As shared previously, some European countries are putting health limits on anything 1-3 milliguauss.

Edited by Branden Cohen
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I agree and have recently used three way wiring throughout my home which greatly reduces EMFs. We also turn the circuit breakers off for our bedrooms at night so we can have the same electrical field we'd have camping out under the stars.


Wow, you are really taking EMF avoidance seriously in every aspect of your life. I did not intend to lessen the value and good intentions of your informative posts on this topic. So I hope no offense was taken. In todays age, we are surrounded by EMF and becoming aware of the sources of it and the possible long term affects is a good thing for all to consider. :)

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It is important to protect ourselves, given the age of " radiation exposure." I have to wear full lead safety protection, that includes a thyroid shield. When I work in interventional, I wear a collar shield, that detects excessive radiation! I know where to move too to avoid this. Poor cellphone reception, as I have to explain our walls are lead lined. Safety precaution.I DO worry about thinning ozone layer, as well as global changes in enviroment from hurricanes, tornadoes, warming temperatures. It DOES scare me, that half our goverment says " global warming doesn't exist". So this week... Puffin birds are dwindling down. People newly diagnosed with asthma and allergies, are record settings!( they suspect due to carbon dioxide being trapped, which plants love and thrive!) PLEASE shut me up! Nancy

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