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Im A Newbie!!

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Hi my name is Toran I currently have a Sun conure named echo. Recently i purchased an African Grey after looking into it for the last year and I feel comfortable enough with taking care of one since i use to babysit a 20yr old CAG that wasn't hand tamed and it seemed to love me since i was the only one able to hold it. I am anxious to meet experienced owners so I am not alone on my journey He or she will be arriving some time in July.


P.S. I apologize about my punctuation and grammar English was never my strong suit.

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Welcome to,our greyt family. I look forward to hearing more from you. We love pictures, if you have any of your sun conure, please post! And don't worry about your English, we don't mind at all. How old will your baby be when you get him?

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Hi Toran, I always respect anyone who can speak and write more than one language. Congrats on your new grey, looking forward to hearing more about him/her. We have an Other Birds Room if you would like to show us your sun conure, Echo. Welcome to the Grey family!

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Hello Toran and welcome to our family.

Congrats on your new grey to be, know you are anxious and counting down the days until he/she arrives to start the rest of your lives together. You have come to the right place to learn all you need to know before that big day comes so browse thru the threads and glean what you can from them.

I also have a sun conure, Sunny was my first parrot but not my last, I also have a 7 year old Cag and a tiel, that is my limit as it is stretching it with only 2 shoulders to sit on.

We have an other birds room if you would share a picture or two of Echo.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok so forgot my username for a bit I apologize. Im excited to be here!! My african Grey will be 3 months old when i get him i am going nuts the days cant go by fast enough!!! i still am picking a name Im thinking of Valor since i dont know the sex its good for either.


My sun Conure i have had for a Year he is a little spoiled ham. He sleeps right next to my bed in his cage and he likes to count the seconds until i wake up. i call him my secondary alarm because if i turn off my alarm he is sure to go off if mine fails to. and as noisy as he can be i still love him to death! although i am nervous how we will react to having another bird in the house since hes been the baby for quite some time already.

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My Sun was 2 when my TAG entered our lives. My Sun was so spoiled that the TAG taught the Sun how to play with toys - until then I was the only toy my Sun played with.

I was always careful to introduce two birds in an area of my home that neither one could claim as his own. Always stay within a hands reach and never take your eyes off them for the first few times. My two get along like brothers - sometime fine other times the room isn't big enough to get away from each other. My TAG does some bullying, but neither one has ever got aggressive. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your two soon.

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