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Hi there,


My name is Lisa. I'm a 21 year old parrot lover. I used to be a parront to 5 parrots, 3 Cockatiels, 1 Quaker, and 1 Caique. I lost all five to Katrina. I'm from New Orleans, La... we decided to stay and had to go to the Superdome for 5 days. When I asked the Coast Guard if I can take my birds, they said know. I last seen my birds on August 29, 2005.


Now that we live in Texas I would love to add a Grey to my life. There's one that is in love with me at my job.


Can you guys tell me a little about the Greys? Like what size cage, what kind of food to feed, what kind of personality's they have, and what toys they life.




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Hello and welcome to the family, Lisa, and I'm so sorry you lost your beloved flock to Katrina, and I was shocked also by the fact that they wouldn't allow the residents to bring their animals out with them. My God, they were your family but lets hope that never happens again.


You say you have one at your job that is already in love with you, then what are you waiting for, this grey has already chosen you. Do you work in a pet store or similar place?


We have many threads here that deal with cages, toys they like, foods to feed and the ones to avoid, just read thru them for lots of information.


Their personalities are different from other parrots and a lot of that is covered in various threads also, but they are more independent than other parrots, they need a wide variety of toys to keep them occupied especially when they are alone.


I look forward to hearing more about this grey you speak of and if you have a picture you would like to share with us please post it, we would like to see him/her.:)

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Welcome Lisa!!


Sorry to hear of your experience regarding Katrina and not being allowed to take them with you. Animals, Birds and all living animals have the right to live also and it is hard to believe the way the Katrina hurricane was handled. I cannot imagine not only losing your home, job and loved pets as well.


It's good to hear you have made a strong come-back and are thriving! :-)


You would not be disappointed in ownership of a Grey. They are a wonderful and the most intelligent Parrot of all.


Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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I'm so sorry to hear about your tragedy. I hope they all made it some how.


Greys are amazing birds, unlike any other. It sounds like you have lots of experience, so if you are ready for a perpetual three year old, GO FOR IT!!! :)


Can't wait to hear more from you.



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Hello Grey family! :cheer:

Well, I'll share a little about myself. I've owned parrots for a little over 10 years. When I was 16 I worked at a Parrot Rescue Placement organization in Lafayette, La. There I was a trainer for Too's that were abused, feather plucked, screamer's, biters, mutilators, etc... and Quaker's who were also badly abused or wild caught. I did that for 3 years. I adopted my Zeta from the shelter, he was only 6 weeks old. Someone brought him to us after finding him covered in ants in his yard. We rushed him to an avian vet, he was saved, and I decided to finish hand feeding him and then he picked me. He was wild caught, but made an amazing friend, and baby. :silly:


I work at Treetop Bird Center. Its a bird specialty pet shop in Dallas. I'm still new there, but I know what I'm doing.


About the Grey: He or she is beautiful. I love it very much, but he is taken, one of the customers put a deposit down on him, and never comes to visit him. Its been a little over a month. I Handel all the birds there, so one morning when I was changing food and water bowls, he/she just came out and jumped on me, stud on my chest and snuggled under my chine. He is soooo darn cute. I'll take pics Monday. I work full-time there. Oh, and listen to this, I work morning's, earlie morning's, (hand feeding babies at 6 A.M.) so I do all the changing food and water bowls and cleaning up before we open, every time I go to the Grey's cage, there's two, I always have to say "I'll be right back. I have to feed other babies." I give him/her a kiss and leave. Well, today it said "I'll be right back!" OMG! I almost started to cry. That really touched my heart. I need to talk to my boss about letting me have her. I love this bird more then anything!


I hope I get this bird!!!!!!!


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Hannah_Rae wrote:

I'm so sorry to hear about your tragedy. I hope they all made it some how.


Greys are amazing birds, unlike any other. It sounds like you have lots of experience, so if you are ready for a perpetual three year old, GO FOR IT!!! :)


Can't wait to hear more from you.




Hannah, they did not make it. 911 Parrot ALert went to my house and found them all perished . They were still in their traveling cages, like they were all ready to go with me, but the Gov would not let me bring them. I still have pics of them but I hate looking at them.

I miss them so much! :(

Here are a few pics...






Pretty Boy and Ivory








Another pic of Snoopy... This one is in Bird Talk.




All the Tiels







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Zeta, Welcome to our family. I am so sorry for your loss. I couldn't look at the pictures with out crying. Thank you for sharing them with us, and reminding us about the terrible way this tragedy was handled by the so called "People in Charge" if you will.

I hope you find that special Grey to share your life with. Please keep us posted. :)

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Zeta, I am so sorry! :( I can't even imagine losing those many beloved pets all in one shot.


I am really hoping the best for you and this Grey. I think if your boss cares for the bird's well being he/she will recognize the bond and let you take her.


All the best



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Hello Zeta and welcome to the family, glad that you decided to join us. So sorry to hear of your lose, that was a bad year. I pray that your boss will let you have the grey sounds like you made a new friend and that he/she has kind of bonded to you. Good luck, look forward to reading your posts and pic of the little guy. :)



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Hi Zeta,


The photos were a nice memorial to you Parrots. Thanks for sharing them.


If I understood you post correctly, the Grey at your work said " I'll be right back"? If so how old is he?


It sure does sound like he has "Chosen" you . :-)


I hope this works out in your favor :-) You deserve it after your long road back to the Parrot World you basically cut your teeth on.!!

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Hey guys, over the weekend the Grey's owner came and got her. :unsure: I'm so sad about that. My boss said that she had 3 other Grey's avilable. This is the little guy I may end up getting. He had two white toe nails. Sorry had to take pics with my phone camera. I will take better pics tmrw with my digital cam.


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