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So I was just sitting online and happened upon this site tonight. I've been reading through the forum (as well as noticing the IM's...both are equally interesting :) ) and thought I'd actually join and visit more in the future.


Quick intro:


My name is Lisa. I am married and have two kids and 3 "fids"...12 y/o CAG - Kenya, 9 y/o male Eclectus - Max, and 3 y/o female Eclectus - Katie. I am halfway through a fantastic online course about behavior (Dr. Susan Friedman's Living and Learning with Parrots) which has been fantastic. Many, many "palm strike to the forehead" moments. Live in Minnesota.


All three parrots are from previous homes and are absolutely fantastic. Very few issues. Great with every member of the family including the kids and the dog...they enjoy each other but only from a minimum distance of about 5 feet.


I look forward to reading more (I'll probably be up 1/2 the night now...thanks to you guys! :-))


TTFN, Lisa

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Hello and welcome to the family, Lisa, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about your flock.


Yes please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and if you have any specific questions please just ask, we will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


Thats commendable of you to take in rehomed birds and there are a lot of them out there mostly because too many people get them before they find out what they have gotten themselves into and that is sad. And they have adjusted well which means you are doing something right.


If you would like to post a picture of your grey or even of all three, we would love to see them. We love to look at pictures here.

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Lisa - Dr. Friedmans course sounds interesting and it seems she tours and speaks at bird clubs etc. I love her comment:


"When asked how she became interested in working with companion parrots in particular, Susan explains with a wink, "I have always loved working with juvenile delinquents!"


So true!! :P

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Thanks for your note! We (hubby and I) researched parrorts since my son was about 1 and were going to wait until my son was 8 before bringing one into the home...but it didn't happen that way. We had the first two join our family last summer and then our most recent little girl (female eclectus) just about a month ago. My son is 6 now (daughter is 9) and both kids are very responsible and respectful of the birds, know how to interact with them, etc. My daughter is even asking me to help explain my online course homework to her in terms a 9 year old can understand so she can be a better parrot guardian also. We have been very, very lucky in that they all have fantastic temperaments. I'm taking the course in the hopes of keeping it that way...things have gotten even better already. I knew it would be interesting, fun and a lot of work to have a parrot in the house, but I never expected (despite reading a ton) the depth of the relationship that would develop with each and every one.


I went to a one-day seminar here in MN two weeks ago and it was great. It was Dr. Friedman and then another doctor who talked about feather destructive behaviors and then a woman who "free flies" her cockatoos (to each his own, but I would NEVER get comfortable with that). She had an interesting story though.


I'll stop rambling on and on now...gotta go post a question to the board! :-)


Warmest regards,


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Lisa welcome here :) I am glad you joined.

There is a temporary problem with placing photos, and I hope it will be solved soon so that I can see yours :)

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Thank you all. In the two days (has it really only been two days?) I've been on the board I have learned, laughed and have even teared up over some of the posts. Now I'm going to have to wean myself off a bit in order to go back to work tomorrow! :-)

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