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Escher has learned to call the dog.


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Our dogs name is Bowser but when I am encouraging him to leave the bedroom(he's afraid of Escher) to come on the balcony I call him Bowsey. Well last night every time I got near the door to the balcony Escher would say something, after about the 5th time I realized he was saying Bowsey. Today as Bowser and I were going out it was very clear when Escher said Bowsey.


Also he has learned to blow raspberries (the nice way to describe the noise). This morning he timed it perfect, the minute my husband stepped into the bathroom Escher made the noise. Every time I thought about it today I giggled.


He is learning new words and noises almost every day. It's so exciting.

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Escher is certainly one sharp cookie and is keeping you entertained. I love hearing real-time interaction like this of a greys thoughts and comments on various situations. I have a feeling his antics are going to keep us all entertained as you relate them to as they occur. Thanks for sharing this. :)

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Too funny! Lady Pym will bark at dogs in the house. This causes them to go up to the cage, when this happens she growls at them and they all cringe and move away! My dogs are used to it and now ignore it, but I do board other people's dogs, and they all fall for it! She seems to have a great time doing this, and it also means the other dogs learn early to leave her and the other birds alone ;-) My Jenday Conure will do an alert call which my dogs respond to by running to the windows and barking. Sometimes she makes the alert call just to entertain herself ... I know this because she is not looking out of the window at what would be the intruder ... instead, she settles herself on a perch facing where the 'action will be' when she makes the call and is clearly enjoying herself! Lady Pym also meows like a cat. (I don't have a cat, but at one point in her life she did live with a cat who had kittens.) When she really wants my attention she meows like a little kitten. So cute ;-)

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This really made me smile, Escher is going to really keep you entertained! Ordering the dogs around & blowing raspberries are 2 of Biscotti's favorite thing! Don't you just love what they choose to repeat? Can't wait to hear what Escher comes up with next!

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He hasn't learned his name yet. Today he was chattering away and said uh oh. I had just said it to him a few minutes earlier. He couldn't see me but he could hear me and he was saying all the word's he has learned and some other stuff I can't understand yet. Of course as soon as he saw me he stopped. He's learning so fast I can't believe it.

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I used to own a German Shepherd called Ben and Alfie had a great time learning various words relating to him. He would call Bren, tell him to sit, tell him to stay, tell him to "come on" (we used to say that when calling him in from outside) and would tell him to go outside. Would also tell him "No". He never learned to bark though. He prefers smaller dog barks if he is going to bark.


I have two cats now and I'd heard Alfie say one of the cats names (Widget) once. He's never (as far as I'm aware) called the other cat (Pixel). He has copied their various meows (they are very talkative) brilliantly though. He tells them "No" and tells them "Off" when they are up to no good- normally quicker than I can manage.


I love Alfie's interactions with other animals.

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