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apple bitter to prevent chewing


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When my family got our dogs as pups they had a habit of chewing on the corners of the wooden furniture we had. To train the away from doing that we used apple bitter spray (pretty much just tastes nasty).


I know its safe for use w/ dogs but I was wondering if something like that would be safe for parrots and if so would it even be effective (I have lots of electronics, so lots of cables for the chewing).


link to an example of apple bitter products

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lol I suppose I shoulda put "bird" in the google search for apple bitter :D... so now that I know it exists for birds as well. Has anyone tried it with their birds? It worked rather well with the dogs and they stuck to just chewing the things they were suppose to :P ... when we did it with our dogs the training was catch them in the act stop them for a moment, spray the apple bitter, let them try again if they would so they wouldn't like the taste, then would put a chewtoy/bone next to them... sorta training that bones taste good furniture doesn't lol


grannick's bitter apple for birds


They also suggest using it to help prevent the birds from plucking if anyone is having issues with that.<br><br>Post edited by: CursingLlama, at: 2007/10/20 04:00

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Yeah, I have seen that before, but have never used it. If you end up getting it, let us know if that does the trick. But, AG are pretty smart when it comes to if they taste one thing and they really didnt like it, they probably wont go to it again.

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Yeah, I have seen that before, but have never used it. If you end up getting it, let us know if that does the trick. But, AG are pretty smart when it comes to if they taste one thing and they really didnt like it, they probably wont go to it again.

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Ive heard Apple Bitter works for some Dogs, not sure about Parrots, but hey, it's worth a try. :-)


I had a Doberman that developed a cancerous tumor on his front leg and we kept it wrapped and applied Apple Bitter to the dressing to stop him from chewing on it and removing it. He would lick the Apple Bitter off, like Yum-Yum good stuff. :ohmy:


So, I hope in your case it works. :-)

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I also heard about bitter apple a few years ago. It was supposed to be used on different items that a bird wasn't supposed to chew on. Never worked.Matter of fact, the way the bird acted, it seemed like he never knew it was sprayed on. I would imagine that you would haveto protect the bird's face when spraying it on.

PS--just read the original start of thread. I was using it on wood, not wiring. The wood absorbed it quickly. I don't think it would absorb wiring but it's still a scary thing to think that a bird might be getting ideas about chewing on different types of wiring.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/09/13 05:21

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