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Time to panic!?!?!?

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Hi. I need advice, fast. I'm bringing a grey named Dorian into my life and my home. He wasn't supposed to be coming to me until the spring, but for reasons way too long to type right now, I'm actually getting him this coming Sunday and I'm scared I'm not ready. His story is in this forum under the topic Pet Store Grey., if you want the details of his life until now.


My main concerns are these.

1. Earlier today, before I found out he had to move on Sunday, I was using paint thinner to clean paint out of carpet in the room he will be in and the smell is all through the house. I have air cleaners going, and all the windows open, and I'm going to rent a carpet cleaner tomorrow, but I'm really worried. The smell may be gone by Sunday, but how do I tell if the fumes are gone?


2. I thought I had the winter to teach him to step up, get him less fearful of leaving his cage, and start moving him from his present cage to a sleep cage at night. Now I don't know where to put his cage. Just moving here will be traumatic enough. Do I put him in the office where it is quiet and dark at night (where his sleep cage will eventually go) or do I put him in my living space where there is more natural light, but more noise and activity at night? Also, my cat Jac has open access to my living area, while the office is blocked by a door.


These are just the top two of a whole list of concerns, but I'd be grateful for any help.

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Guest briansmum

i wouldn't worry about the fumes, make sure theres plenty of fresh air coming in and like you said clean the carpet, by sunday it will be fine. we had our living room decorated (where my grey is) left all the windows and doors open for it to air and moved him back in a couple of days later and he's fine


and i would put his main cage where all the people are going to be, greys like interation, so the more going on for them to be part of them better. but watch the cat. dont leave the cage unattended with the cat about and make sure it is out when you get the bird out.. but you knew that :)

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Hello Acappella

Leave your windows open and let the air circulate, come Sunday you should be fine, Also be careful with air fresheners and or candles as they are not safe. Good luck :) As for question #2 put your grey in a room where they will be able to interact with you, they are known as very social birds and want to be included in every thing and also very smart.



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yea they are. WOW Alcazar loves everything going on at my house. Sometimes he joins in the action. I think he loves Row ROw ROw Your Boat cause everytime we sing it he screams like hes singing w/ us or.... maybe hes tellin us to be quiet cause we sound terrible sining...lol

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Hi Acappella,


It sounds like you have a lot to do in a compressed amount of time now. One thing though, is I would not worry about the teaching him to step up and transport to a sleeping cage being shortened so drastically.


You will find that since Dorian will be with you 24/7 now and no longer living in the crazy and ever changing people and noises of the Pet Store that he will know with out a doubt you and him are bonded and companions forever. :-)


The living room where you and all the activity takes p[lace is the best place for the Cage location. Greys love being a part of all thats goes on in THEIR flock and know how the flock acts and communicates.


As others have said, the fumes will be gone due to your taking all the right step to ensure it.


Good luck!! :-)

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Welcome, and yes, I agree with everyone else about which room to put him in. I think if you put him in the office, he'd just be calling to you all the time anyway. I know when I leave the room, even just for a sec, Klaus starts calling immediately.

Anyway, back to "Welcome" - you are going to find this an awesome site. We're glad to have you here!

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