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Quick video (Storm's Excited)


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A couple times a day Storm really comes to life and becomes so animated and busy, I wanted to share a quick video if a semi excited Storm, this is mild compared to usual though.


I wanted to ask also, he is allowing us to harness him now which is great, he has been to the school and the store today on a coffee run. I didn't expect the attention he draws though but I supposed if I saw someone "walking" their bird I would become intrigued if I didn't have one. He is so good outside he clings to my fingers and just watches and you can see him listening to the wild birds, a few times he flapped his wings, scared the crud outta me but then i realized that when he is flapping he tightens his grip on me. I am hoping to expose him more and more to different things, sounds and situations. Part of that is I would really like to try bike riding with him but wonder if this is safe, like will the wind hurt him in anyway, not that I ride fast but it will create wind for certain.....if you ride your bike with your parrot where do they sit and how do they like it?



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A couple times a day Storm really comes to life and becomes so animated and busy, I wanted to share a quick video if a semi excited Storm, this is mild compared to usual though.


I wanted to ask also, he is allowing us to harness him now which is great, he has been to the school and the store today on a coffee run. I didn't expect the attention he draws though but I supposed if I saw someone "walking" their bird I would become intrigued if I didn't have one. He is so good outside he clings to my fingers and just watches and you can see him listening to the wild birds, a few times he flapped his wings, scared the crud outta me but then i realized that when he is flapping he tightens his grip on me. I am hoping to expose him more and more to different things, sounds and situations. Part of that is I would really like to try bike riding with him but wonder if this is safe, like will the wind hurt him in anyway, not that I ride fast but it will create wind for certain.....if you ride your bike with your parrot where do they sit and how do they like it?



Your baby is acting 110% normal and is showing off too you. Bicycle riding is up to you on how safe you feel your riding is, age is no problem. Check the forum for shoulder packs, there's one that's very nice. Here's one example.http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=pak+o+bird&tag=mh0b-20&index=aps&hvadid=1455566452&ref=pd_sl_1l6l2g1p9n_e

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Part of that is I would really like to try bike riding with him but wonder if this is safe, like will the wind hurt him in anyway, not that I ride fast but it will create wind for certain.....if you ride your bike with your parrot where do they sit and how do they like it?



I brought the bike inside just for photo but this is basically Greycie's setup on my Electra Townie. She's got about 10-15 miles riding this thing. We never get much over 10mph but we have crazy wind here in Texas and she has done just fine.





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I brought the bike inside just for photo but this is basically Greycie's setup on my Electra Townie. She's got about 10-15 miles riding this thing. We never get much over 10mph but we have crazy wind here in Texas and she has done just fine.





Doe's Greycie wear a harness?

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Doe's Greycie wear a harness?


Only on Tuesdays and sometimes on Fridays. Somedays she prefers her squirrel suit, or on Saturdays when we're downhilling and approaching 60mph we ditch all safety measures in favor of aero. At that point all we're concerned with is attaining parrot ground speed records.



Timbersmom, I'll see if I can get a video.

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Only on Tuesdays and sometimes on Fridays. Somedays she prefers her squirrel suit, or on Saturdays when we're downhilling and approaching 60mph we ditch all safety measures in favor of aero. At that point all we're concerned with is attaining parrot ground speed records.



Timbersmom, I'll see if I can get a video.

Gee, I'm sorry, I guess I wrote the question wrong...Does Greycie wear a harness when you ride her on your bike ?

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Only on Tuesdays and sometimes on Fridays. Somedays she prefers her squirrel suit, or on Saturdays when we're downhilling and approaching 60mph we ditch all safety measures in favor of aero. At that point all we're concerned with is attaining parrot ground speed records.

SterlingSl, Timbersmom and murfchck, I'm sorry you felt my question deserved the reply's you gave me, I know I've always been respectful to the 3 of you, I'm sorry you couldn't answer it for the forum. Please show more courtesy to other members questions.

Now to the question of how to carry a parrot while riding a bike. A carrier should always be used for the safety of the parrot. Parrots spook, and accidents happen. Here's two graphic examples I've personally been exposed too.

Timbersmom, this happened on a Tuesday, at a bird fair a elderly lady had a 3-wheel bike, with a perch on the handle bar like SterlingSL's photo, the Grey was wearing a harness with a six foot leash attached to the handle bar, the Grey got spooked, flaped off with clipped wings and was caught and run over by the rear tire, killing it. 2009. 2007 in a Walmart Parking a young man was riding his bike with his clipped wing Grey on his shoulder, a car honked his horn and frightened his Grey, lt tried to flap off and flew into a oncoming cars windshield, they had to euthanize the poor baby. I'm sorry my question didn't deserve a reply......Jay

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Jay, I'm sorry if I offended you. I didn't answer your question because I don't know the answer for sure. I assumed from earlier posts that Greycie was wearing a harness, and if I recall correctly, Greycie is fully flighted. That said, the incident you just recounted sounds terrible, and I feel badly for everyone involved. What a terrible thing!


Of all the forum members, I've always felt you were the most concerned about our birds' health and safety. While we all make different choices and have different lifestyles, I appreciate the fact that you care enough to give your opinion and thoughts about the different subjects.


No offense intended!

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Timbersmom Thank you. We always have to remember there's no small or stupid questions and if we make light of someones question, they just might leave the forum. If it's a funny question that's different............I'm getting forgetful in my old age so I'm trying to post as much as I can that might be of use to someone.... Jay

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