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Maybe stupid question?


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Acting overly sexual in response to being petting (especially on the back or wings).

Hormonal feather plucking (most often occurring on the chest or between the legs)

Frequent regurgitating of food, panting, crouching down with wings dropped.

Increased shredding of paper or toys and increased chewing

Possessiveness of favorite human (or bird companion) - while being extra aggressive toward others.

Increased vocalization

Females especially may show an increased interest in cuttlebone or other calcium sources, as well as protein rich foods like egg or meat.


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Coool, I was just imagining Tooka doing that but he is just 1 year old and so far from it! :D


VoHooman, Tooka isn't to young to show signs of affections. A Grey is a "Love Creature", their whole natural wild up bringing is based on love from their parents and flock, the same goes for a Grey raised in captivity, their raised in a rich love environment. The differents is at a young age it's not sexual.................................

Edited by Jayd
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These guys are great and please trust me you can never ask a stupid question, there here for the love of our birds and support us on our way and from experience calm us down when it feels like its all going so wrong, so never think twice about asking anything.

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Whoa! This site is rated R!!!! Good thing Sophie isin bed, although I hear her talking to me. Sophie has never done much sexually, except when my oldest son had insomnia and I would find Sophie sleeping with him in family room. I would find her doing some strange mating dance with his feet when I got up in the morning.She also hated his girlfriend and would sit between them. Nancy

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Greys are not known for this so much as Amazons. Perhaps a video may help in knowing the signs of when a parrot is doing this.:


Greys will show affection with the drooping of wings and displaying their love for you. But, they normally do not go full blown into the actual act.

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VoHooman, Tooka isn't to young to show signs of affections. A Grey is a "Love Creature", their whole natural wild up bringing is based on love from their parents and flock, the same goes for a Grey raised in captivity, their raised in a rich love environment. The differents is at a young age it's not sexual.................................


Jayd you don't know how much I believe in that not only about greys and parrots but also all birds. I had several birds before, I never had a parrot but I read Greyt stories of your greys and even my 6 day experience having a grey is showing that. The fact that Tooka is taking food from my hand only in 4days for the grey that never had a owner and was a wild cought indicating that, I might be wrong but I notice he was trying to say his name today, all of this show that he likes me too.

He is part of our family now.

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Jayd you don't know how much I believe in that not only about greys and parrots but also all birds. I had several birds before, I never had a parrot but I read Greyt stories of your greys and even my 6 day experience having a grey is showing that. The fact that Tooka is taking food from my hand only in 4days for the grey that never had a owner and was a wild cought indicating that, I might be wrong but I notice he was trying to say his name today, all of this show that he likes me too.

He is part of our family now.

You and Tooka are doing a wonderful job, together........................

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