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How to Leave My Baby Grey


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:cheer: What I refer to is just leaving my TAG Webster having breakfast out of her cage on her perch or playing with her toys atop her playtop cage.


In the morning before going to work, I take Webster out of her cage first thing for some one-on-one attention. Then, I put her on her perch and/or playtop while I do my pre-work chores -- giving clean food and water to the rest of her flock (cat, dogs, little birds, fish) and plants, and so on. As long as she can see me, she's happy and keeps herself occupied snacking or playing; but when I leave the room (I'm usually just around the corner in our tiny kitchen) she calls to me with a variety of whistles.


I've tried calling back every time she calls and calling back intermittedly. Based on the advise of one behaviorist, I've also tried not calling back, but reappearing when she's been quiet. I'm not sure which strategy is the right one.


Also, whether I call or not, if I do not come back soon enough (which might not be all that long), Webster flies down from where she is onto the carpet and comes running to find me. I pick her up and put her right back where she was, but she often repeats this behavior one or two times more.


Webster is only 6 months old; as she is a baby, I know she needs reassurance that all is okay. But I'm concerned that in the long run this all will become a problematic behavior pattern. I don't want her to always call frantically for me if she cannot see me or to fly down and come looking for me, which could be dangerous.


Any advice on how I should proceed from more experienced grey lovers would be much aprreciated. Thanks!:cheer:

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Hello LauraB, your baby is only 6 months old and yes she needs reassurance that all is well and you are nearby. You can call to her some to let her know you are near even though she cannot see you.


When she flies down from her perch just put her back, you may do this thousands of times but eventually she will learn if you put her there then she is to stay there. I think as she gets older and more confident she will call less and less. She will become a little more independent and won't need that constant assurance that you are always in her sight.


But also they like to be where the action is and if she thinks she is missing out then she will fly or come to you to find it. My Josey will come off her playstand sometimes to find me but I put her back and then she is fine.


Laura, why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about yourself and this new grey of yours. Thanks.<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2007/10/18 17:09

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Hemingway is very bad about looking for us. He calls out, but often he'll just fly off and start walking around until you're in his eye sight. Of course he always comes right over to be picked up. He has learned that if he's not in his cage, someone is home. He just likes to be able to see someone. We are pretty good about putting him back on his perch though, so he'll learn not to come looking.


Good advice from Judy, always very knowlegable!



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Thank you for your advice. It makes me feel much better having such a game plan.

In the long run, I just want Webster to feel secure and be safe and happy. She is such an utter joy, but she (and we) have a lot to learn.


When I have more time, I will fill in my profile and visit more with you and other new Grey friends.


I am delighted to have found this wonderful group. All the books that I've been reading cannot compare with such invaluable advice from someone as caring and knowlegeable as you.


Thank you again! :cheer: Laura (and Webster)

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