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may have to rehome Timmy :(


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I am faced with a decision on wether or not to rehome Timmy. Between work/travel and kids sports and such I can see Timmy not getting as mush attention as he deserves in the next few months. Life just gets so busy once the kids get a certain age, ya know...I would rather rehome Timmy now than to realize that he is pushed aside because of reasons he cannot help. He is an awesome bird and I hate to see him go to another home but I believe its in his best interest to do so.


If anyone has any suggestions or knows someone that may be interested, please speak up.



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Thats a tough decision. The question is, do you really think Timmy would fair better in another home or still be happy in the home that he knows and loves? Each of our lives has those busy periods sometimes for months and yes we feel like we are somehow neglecting our Greys. The real question I believe is, do you really believe Timmy would be happier somewhere other than in the home with the flock he has known and loved all these years? If you truly believe this and do not think a year or two after this busy period may end that you will not look back and think you and Timmy would have been better off to have kept him and your family feels the same way. Then yes, make certain you find him a home and loving person that knows how to live with a grey that will hopefully give him his forever home.

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Oh please say it isn't so, no way would you rehome Timmy! I am truly surprised to hear this so please think this thru carefully before you make a decision you might regret, you have done wonders with Timmy and I remember the hard times you had with him and he finally settled into a good life with you and your family. Please if this traveling is only a temporary thing then he will weather this storm, I am sure the rest of the family can fill in to give him out of cage time and attention then when you are home he will be specially treated to give him that quality time. They do become bonded to their owners and if you rehome him now he will have to go thru that adjusting to new owners, home and such and this time it will be a little harder for him as he will take some baggage with him from your home and the ones previous to yours. If the whole family pitches in then Timmy will not feel left out or neglected, please give this careful thought.

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