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Alfie just hanging around


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Here is a video of Alfie just 'hanging around'. He's been quite playful this evening and this toy has been his focus. He kept hanging upside down and making himself swing and spin in circles whilst poking at the two bells. It kept him happy and amused me at the same time!




[Edited to add: Although it might look like it in this video his foot isn't stuck. I've got another one (which was out of focus) which shows him swapping feet quite freely! Just thought I'd better add that in case anyone was concerned hehe! He just likes hanging upside down on things]

Edited by neoow
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Couple of bonus photos from the other day too:





I missed a good photo op yesterday. Alfie shared some of my roast gammon dinner (minus the gammon) and tucked into his mash potato, peas and carrots. He sat there munching away, beak covered in mash! Unfortunately I didn't have my phone or camera to hand though.

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And some bonus videos from the same day - just the same thing really, Alfie hanging with his toy. Got a bit snap happy! Haha. One of them has one of my cats (Widget) meowing in the background- think he was getting jealous!!






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Thanks for sharing! I enjoyed the pics and the video. Funny about the birds and cats (I assume dogs as well but don't have one). I've noticed that when one of the cats gives a distressed meow, Timber will sound his alert (that short sharp whistle). The other day Timber was on his play stand with me in the living room. One of the cats started coughing (hairball) and Timber probably did the alert whistle ten times until the cat stopped. I'm assuming they assume the cats are part of their flock and are sounding some kind of alert? Just curious. I didn't know if you had noticed anything similar since you have a cat.

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Thanks for sharing! I enjoyed the pics and the video. Funny about the birds and cats (I assume dogs as well but don't have one). I've noticed that when one of the cats gives a distressed meow, Timber will sound his alert (that short sharp whistle). The other day Timber was on his play stand with me in the living room. One of the cats started coughing (hairball) and Timber probably did the alert whistle ten times until the cat stopped. I'm assuming they assume the cats are part of their flock and are sounding some kind of alert? Just curious. I didn't know if you had noticed anything similar since you have a cat.


I used to have a dog and a cat. I now have two cats. Alfie has always been interested in the animals. He is always a lot friendlier/calmer around animals than he is new people. For example, my dog (A German Shep) used to wander up and sniff Alfie's cage. Alfie would climb down to investigate the dogs nose. Wouldn't bite it or anything. He never tried to go after the cat either. However, if a strange person walked up to his cage, he woudn't be very happy, which is fair enough.

With my two cats now, he is very tolerant. They quite often stick a paw in the bottom of his cage and one even tried to climb the cage the other day. Alfie doesn't mind too much. The worst he has done is fire off a warning shot- going to bite but deliberately missing the cat and hitting the side of the cage to make a noise. This is usually enough to deter the cats. If they remain with their paw in the cage Alfie will ever so slowly and deliberately move his beak towards the paw. I've seen him touch one of their paws once- but he has never bitten them or been vicious. If it was a human, he would get annoyed and try and bite them. The cats (despite being very prey driven) mostly leave him alone. They sit and watch from a distance and sometimes stick a paw in (usually to dig out something Alfie has discarded to investigate). It was always a bit of a worry getting the two cats with Alfie but it's worked out well. Though I would never trust any of them with Alfie out of the cage- not sure who would be most at risk - Alfie from the cats or the cats from Alfie!! :D When Alfie is out, the cats are shut out of the room he's in as he's fully flighted and I bet they would chase/jump at him/torment him if they saw him out of the cage.


Alfie doesn't really make warning noises about the cats though. He will tell him off if he thinks they are being naughty though. If they jump up somewhere they shouldn't he will say "off!" and if they are generally being naughty (or just too rowdy for his liking) he will say "No!" in my voice. If he thinks they need ushering out of a room he says "come on!"

Same as he was when I had the dog and the other cat really. He would give commands to the dog- sit, stay, down, outside, come on, no, good boy and whistle to him... not that the dog paid any attention to it! He would do similar to the cat (e.g try and call him in from outside). I think he thinks he's the boss around here haha. The dog used to get very concerned if he thought Alfie was distressed or in trouble though. If Alfie was being silly and fell off a perch/toy the dog would rush to his cage to make sure he was ok and sniff him as he climbed back up. I always found that really sweet. However Alfie never really displayed similar towards the dog. He was mostly just curious and more interested in giving him commands hehe.

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Very interesting to watch their interaction with other animals (in my opinion). I have four cats. The cats ignore Timber for the most part. They will stick their paws up on his cage and peer at him through the bars once in awhile. He will let them know he doesn't appreciate it much the way Alfie does, by biting at the cage bars. Timber, on the other hand, is very interested in the cats' behavior and movements. He makes a very loud noise (can't really describe it but like something hitting the floor) when they are all in the room then laugh when they all startle and run. He also like to hang off the bottom of his cage when out and try to get a nibble of their tails when they pass under him. I have to say he doesn't bite hard though, because they just look startled rather than yowling. Like you, I don't take chances with him being too close to each other because you never know. He certainly has the meow perfected! When I'm in another room, I can't tell if it is Timber or one of the cats. I just thought the "alert" was interesting and wondered if anyone else's bird did that!

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