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:woohoo: Hello,


I am a stay at home Mom who has had several birds since I have been a young girl. I am starting on my very first endeavor in embracing an African Grey into my home. I have had other parrots but this breed has been my most coveted of all and I am finally in an excellent position to commit the time and tlc.


I am very excited because I have an appointment on Friday with a private breeder on Friday to visit some pretty little grey babies.


Any suggestions on selecting the right baby, please feel free to let me know.:)

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Hello and welcome to the family, Cyard, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey.


They are amazing creatures aren't they, and I am glad you could finally get the bird you have wanted and you won't be disappointed with it.


Please read thru our many threads on various topics for lots of useful information on all aspects of grey ownership. If you have any specific questions you would like to ask please do so we will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


When you browse thru the threads I believe we already have one that deals with what to look for, but generally one that looks healthy, clear eyes, clear ceres, no matted feces on vent and generally alert.


Good luck to you on Friday with your visit and hope you find the baby you are looking for and be sure to keep us informed, we care about you and your baby.:)

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Hello Cyard and welcome to the family, I hope you will enjoy your stay.

I know how excited you must be to see and pick out your baby grey. It will be tough to choose if there are more then one. I would suggest that you let the bird choose you, see which one is more willing to come to you and check you out that way you both are off to a great start.

All the best, hope to see some new pic of the baby. :)



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Welcome Cyard!!


We'll look forward to hearing more about the Breeder and Greys when you get a chance to update on that.


In the mean time, enjoy the Forum. You will find tons of information here that will help you along the way in taking care of your new Grey once you get him/her home. :-)

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Thank you, I am very excited if I could only make the days move faster. I have the cage all set,cleaned, and sterilized (with natural avian safe products) and now it is just waiting.:whistle: This breeder has 4-5 Congo and I believe 2-3 Timneh. I plan on letting the bird sort of pick me, so that I can ensure that he/she will be comfortable with my family


I have been reading everything I can get me hands on and I have talked directly with my avian vet for his advice, so that we can have a happy and healthy bird.


I really appreciate all of the feedback and this is a wonderful site and I am really appreciating all of the information that is available on this site.

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Well believe me the days will pass very quickly and then you will have that baby home to enjoy and love.


You are doing everything right, reading all you can to learn about these amazing creatures. And that is the best way if there are more than one is to let it pick you, but regardless it will come to love and trust you if you love it in return.


I am excited for you too, I know how you feel, I was once in your shoes so be patient, good things come to those who wait.:)

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Hi Cyard, I hope you find the baby you are looking for!


I've got a baby grey too, it is my first time to deal with babies and they are a lot of work! But I am sure you will be a great mom!


If you want the truth I've never thought that you can own a 2 months old baby or younger until a month ago as I thought it was illegal in Norway. My previous grey was a 8 months old wild caught, it took me a year or so until he learned talking and he came along very well.


- Jujube<br><br>Post edited by: jujubechan, at: 2007/10/17 15:37

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Ok It is 11 pm and I was wondering if anyone could make the time move a little faster so that I can go and get our new baby sooner. I am not sure that I am going to be able to sleep tonight. I am much too excited, in fact, I cleaned the cage again and the baby hasn't even come home yet!:whistle:

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HE HOME!!!:woohoo: :woohoo:


And he is the sweetest little baby I could have possibly wished for and right now he is a cuddler and I am loving evey minute of it. We traveled 4 hours in the car and he is worth every single minute of it.


Now I just have to choose a name for him and that is proving more difficult than I intended it to be. I am hoping that after watching him become more comfortable here at home it will become apparent as to what his name is. Althogh he is eating, drinking and squacking a bit and is already working a saying hello.


I have taken some pictures and will post them up as soon as my husband uploads them. I admit I am not the most computer savy person:blush:


Thank you so much for all of the info and support!

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Yay, he is home, I am so glad to hear this, see all good things come in time. Sounds like it is going well for you and him and I am sure a name will come to mind shortly. Just enjoy him and love him with all your heart.


Be sure to let us know when you pick out a name and we look forward to seeing pictures when you get them uploaded, oh boy another baby grey to fawn over.


Congrats on getting him home safe and sound.

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He is adjusting pretty well though he did not like the car ride at all. He is definately the prince of the house and gets very fussy if we won't carry him around and for right now I am more than willing to cuddle because I am pretty sure it isn't gonna last long.:)

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Hi Cyard,


You never know on the cuddling. Dayo is 6 months old now and still loves his cuddle time later in the evenings when it's almost night-night time :-)


It could change at anytime, but the precious moments of this cuddling time will never be forgotten ....

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