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Merlin the Rescue

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I went to see Merlin today and I gave the guy my last $$$ to let him take him with me.

I took him straight to the only bird shop I know would be knowledgeable and open on

a Sunday afternoon. He is in terrible shape and I'm not sure if he will make it.


The man told me he had no money to buy bird food and had "Just run out yesterday" and waved an empty bag

of cockatiel seed at me. The bird's dish was 1/2 full of seed hulls, millet and sunflower. His water dish was a poopy mess!

Merlin's keel is so pronounced, he has no meat on his bones AT ALL! He was stumbling around when he tried to walk and

the man kept saying the bird is nervous. What a joke! The bird is STARVING!


So I took him straight to the bird shop I know and Deb knew what to do. She got out the formula and handfed him right away.

I left him with her and she called me tonight and said she's filled his crop 3 more times since I left him with her. She is going

to continue feeding him every 3 hours, around the clock! God bless her! He is too weak to eat on his own and seems to not recognize pellets or seed as food.

She thinks he may have permanent neurological damage or a stroke from the malnutrition and dehydration, but it's a wait and see thing.


So now I'm broke and super sad!!! Grrr! I can't believe people neglect their pets like this! It makes me furious!

Deb called the guy and chewed him out and she wants to contact the authorities about him.

Please pray for Merlin. Even if he is challenged from damage done by that jerk owner, I hope he can come

home with me and be loved up and have a good life. It has been my life-long dream to be a Momma to a Grey! merlin2.jpg


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Welcome Stephanka917 !!


Its saddening to hear how Merlin has apparently been raised at the Breeders?


This is a very stressful way to obtain your first Grey, but God bless you for doing what you have so far to ensure he has the best chances of making it by having your pet shop friend nurture him back to health.


Where do you live?


We'll look forward to hearing updates on how he is doing. :-)

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Hello and welcome to the family, Stephanka917, glad you could join us and I hope Merlin can be saved.


I am glad you got your grey but am heartbroken at the same time that he is in such shape. How in the world can someone treat god's creature that way, yes indeed I would turn him in to the authorities too.


You did the right thing to let someone knowledegeable take over for you and give Merlin the care he needs to hopefully recover from the near starvation but probably like you said he will be permanently damaged.


This says a lot about you that you will care for and love him no matter what, even if his days here are shorter because of the abuse, at least it will be with someone who genuinely cares about him and loves him unconditionally. You have a huge heart and may you be so blessed to have his love and devotion in return.


I will keep you and Merlin in my thoughts and prayers for I want him to have the home he truly deserves and your love.


Please keep us updated on this matter, we do care about you and Merlin and we want to help you in any way we can, just let us know what we can do.

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Hello Stephanka917 and welcome to the family. Thank you for stepping up and taking care of Merlin God bless you. What a shame that some people don't have enough thought to care for one of Gods creations. Merlin is in good hands now and he will be in our prayers for a healthy recovery and a long enjoyable life with you.

Please keep us updated, all the best :)



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I just read about Merlin, & I can't stop crying. You are such a wonderful person to do all that you are doing. Please do report that %&*#@?* to the Humane Society or someone before he does this to anymore of God's creatures.

PLEASE hang in there and be happy that you are a wonderful, caring, beautiful person.

My thoughts and prayers are with you an Merlin.

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:silly: Thanks for all your welcoming and good thoughts and prayers for Merlin and myself. I'm Stephanie and I live in the Twin Cities, we have plenty of avian vets, they are just too expensive for a single mom on a tight budget! I gave the guy literally my last $$$ for Merlin. He was not a breeder- the owner's ex-wife left him there when she moved out. The guy sounded like he knew about birds, but he told me he was broke and couldn't afford seeds. But he could afford TIVO, cable and a big-ass TV! What a jerk! I have other birds and experience, but can't handfeed every 3 hours because I'm at work. I'm going to visit Merlin tonight and I'll let you all know how he's doing! Thanks again! ~Stephanie:)

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Thanks, Stephanie for updating us on this matter, and my heart goes out to you for Merlin, how sad he is in that situation.


I thought you said in a previous post that someone at the bird shop was handfeeding him now and why can't they continuethe feedings for you. I know you are in a tight money situation but do you have any family or friends that could help out, I would do what I had to to get the help Merlin needs.


I hope he is doing better after you see him tonight and I will be looking for an update then.

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Looks like you got to Merlin just in time! What a horrible way to treat an animal. I am so glad he has you now. It won't be long before he is happy and healthy and enjoying life in his new home! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! Good luck, and congratulations on your new child!<br><br>Post edited by: Makena, at: 2007/10/18 00:56

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I would also be tempted to report this person to the authorities. I work part time in the pet store where I'm getting Dorian from, and I'm always amazed at people who will come to the store in expensive cars with designer bags, and complain about the cost of the food for animals they're supposed to love. Thank goodness you found him. Whatever long-term health challenges he may have, i've found that rescued animals really bond with the person who saved them. You'll be able to teach him to trust and love again. My thoughts are with you.

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Welcome Stephanie and Merlin!! What a wonderful thing you have done for Merlin. I'm sure you will have your work cut out for you, but it's worth it!! And if you need support, just come and talk awhile. Everyone here is so supportive and have ALOT of great advice. So, don't be shy!! Keep us posted!!





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welcome stephanie! my own merlin came home this weekend from his foster mum. good name!


there is a LOT of support for you in the twin cities. you'll do just fine. feel free to PM me if you would like and we can chat. my merlin came from Mpls.


keep up the good work!

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