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confuised bird owner


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So i got my cag 3 days ago. İts not handbreeded but they say its about 10 months or so which i still cant tell. İt still growls when i touch the cage but i dont know what to do since it my first grey. Please give some advice!!

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I am certainly no expert, but all I can say is Patience, Patience, Patience. I never realized how long it would take for them to accept different things, as well as people! Try sitting by the cage with a book that has a lot of pictures and colors and read to him. Maybe offer a peanut through the cage and see if he will take it. Talk to him softly, sing and whistle so he can see how happy you are to have him there. Plenty of toys to keep him busy and just don't try to rush things. He will come around, but not tomorrow - patience I think is the key. Best of luck to you and please keep us posted on the progress.

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Joy is correct, you need a lot of patience and lots of time to win him over for 3 days is nothing, think more in terms of weeks and months and don't push him for more than he is willing to give, they are flock animals so when he is ready to interact with you he will let you know.

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Hi Pebbles,

I am a novice to Greys as I only acquired my first 4 months ago. I had not planned on getting a "troubled bird" but my heart made me do just that. When I first got Leo if you were withing 3 ft of his cage he would scream and growl. He still does at times but he has come so far in the last 4 months. I still can't touch him but I can clean his cage and feed him with no screaming and sometimes without any low growling. It's little things that show his progress. Before he wouldn't make sounds or anything while anyone was in the room but he and I have mocking sessions daily now and up until yesterday he didn't want you to see him moving around his cage. It took a month for him to comfortably eat while I was in the room. You could hear him moving all over the cage and playing while he was covered but not when he knew we could see him. The moving around the cage in private change dramatically last night when we brought home a female. Their cages are sitting side by side and he has been all over that cage, whistling, grunting, and playing with his toys trying to get her attention. I'm loving the change in him but was already very happy with the progress he had made before that. I don't know if he will ever be a boy that I can handle but every little step is a pleasure. Just take your time and don't push and I'm sure things will be fine. Every day in my house is an adventure with my babies :)

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Trancework that was an awesome post and very well thought out with loads of useful information, the only thing I would change is using a hair dryer after his shower, a grey should be allowed to air dry on its own for using the dryer dries out the skin.

Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and maybe include a picture or two of your new grey.

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trancework... I truly understand you are continuing to grieve for Smokey. I continue to grieve for Max my 18 year old Lhasa Apso. Nine years ago, I lost Max. Ollie and Zoey, are our new pups, age eight and nine. I MISS Max soooo much, but love Ollie and Zoey. My pups don't replace him, but I was able to love again. Just different! I'm happy thatSophie was just adopted when Ollie came home. He was trained by Max to love the birds! Max made the rules...made sure all the birds were safe, when he decided his time had ended. I will never get over losing Max, but CAN love again. There is a difference! Nancy

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