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Distilled Water


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I have been giving my birds only distilled water for about a year now, thinking it was the best water I could give them. I just read that distilled water has a lot of acid. What kind of water does everyone give their fids? I don't buy it, but have a distiller.

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Many people use their tap water because there's no problems but that can be different all over the place. My tap water can't be used for drinking. I use the water that gets filtered into a cannister which has the filter in it. The water gets poured into the cannister and the water goes through the filter and is extremely clean. I use this water to also make coffee and well as drinking. Filters last a long time and when they need to be replaced, There's a light on the cover ----Green light means very good. Yellow light means that filter needs to be changed soon. Red light means that filter needs to be done immediately. Some people who have bad tap water can also attach a filter to the nozzle. Water comes out clean.

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We use bottled water, from spring water and an internationally known brand, or tap water which has set out for a while. All water will absorb some carbon dioxide from the air to make carbonic acid which is what you must be referring to. However, it is no problem. Water varies a great deal throughout the country and of course the world. Know what the analysis of your water is if you plan to use tap water. One problem which can occur with distilled water is bacteria. That may surprise people, but it has not been treated with chlorine and bacteria can live in distilled water if it sits around long enough. I was told this and tested it myself with dip slides which showed bacteria present in worrisome concentrations.

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I make my iced tea with distilled water as our well water has a lot of limestone in it, it makes good tea but it gets cloudy quickly and develops an off taste, the distilled iced tea will keep in the fridge from one day to the next so I always have cold tea. My birds drink well water and it is fine except for the limestone and I like to put ice cubes in when I get them a fresh bowl.

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If drinking water is purified using distillation, the resulting water is cleaner and more pure than before. The water is safe to drink. The disadvantage to drinking this water is that most of the natural minerals in the water are gone. If these minerals are desirable (e.g., calcium, magnesium, iron), the distilled water might be considered inferior to mineral water or spring water. On the other hand, if the initial water contained trace amounts of toxic organic compounds or heavy metals, you might want to drink distilled water rather than the source water.


I personally would use bottled spring water if our tap water was not good. However, our water here is very good straight from the tap.

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We are on city water here in VA. We don't drink from the tap, but have 2 filters in our refrigerator, one in the line and the other in the frig. I was giving them this for a long time, had no problems but I know city water has chlorine and that worried me. Thanks for all of the replies!

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