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Flight suits vs. Harnesses


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Hey Everyone,


I found an awesome site with every bird supply under the sun. They have a product called Flight suits, which are birdie harnesses with a "poop pouch" in them, to keep you clean. Has anyone ever used them? And can they be used with a leash like harnesses?




ps. The site is www.mybirdstore.com I had so much fun on it today. Hehehe.

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I'm so glad you brought up this topic Hannah_Rae! I've seen the flight suits online and wanted to know if anyone used them. We'd like to be able to take Romo outside with us sometimes, and I really want to make sure we can't lose him.


Great info!


Deb & Romo

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I have the Feather Tether and I love it. I have my grey 90% potty trained so I really don't need a diaper for him. I got him the medium sized at first because on the chart it says that is what a Congo would fit in, but it was way to big. I use the small one I got for the Sun Conure I used to have and just set it to as big as it would get and it fits like a glove.

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I am really hoping to get my baby well potty trained, but since they don't have that anatomic control at first, the flight suit seems like a good thing. :) Also, they look pretty.


I loved watching all the videos on the site. My sister and husband think I am nuts. Hehehe.

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  • 2 months later...

I have been wondering the very same. I know I am ordering the Aviator for outdoors, but have been thinking about the suits too. Are they difficult to put on and off? Also it looks to me that the little liners are just little cotton circles women buy to take make-up off with. Is that the case? Hannah do you like them? If you CAG took a small I wonder what my TAG will take...

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I have been wondering the very same. I know I am ordering the Aviator for outdoors, but have been thinking about the suits too. Are they difficult to put on and off? Also it looks to me that the little liners are just little cotton circles women buy to take make-up off with. Is that the case? Hannah do you like them? If you CAG took a small I wonder what my TAG will take...

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Hey Kllorio,

Actually my baby comes next week, so I will have to let you know what I think later. :) They don't look hard to put on, and according to Joe, they are worth it. The liners are kinda like those makeup things, except they are shaped to fit the suit.


Let me know if you get one what you think.


Countdown:8 days

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey all, we got a Flight Suit for Maui yesterday at the Bird Store. It's an X-Wide which is for the CAG. It fits him just right I think. The lady at the Bird store said that you can use women's panti liners in the pouch instead of buying the special lliners. There is a pic of Maui in his over in the Grey forum. Thread is called Maui fashion show.

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