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Rosie hates water, but.....


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Just wanted to share this with everyone. For those of you who's greys hate water, here is an idea that might get them comfortable being around it. Although Rosie has not completely submerged herself in it, she continues to toy with the idea! I recycled some old foot toys that she destroyed and placed them in a baking dish full of water. It took her a couple of days to warm up to the idea of playing in water, but she couldn't resist the colorful toys that were floating around. Now it is one of her favorite daily activities. :o

2013 039.jpg

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After just two days of putting dish of water with foot toys in it at bottom of cage Alfie is paddling in it playing with toys and has been stretching his wings out so think this may be a hit just waiting to get soaked as I sit right next to cage.

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Gee Dan, thank you and all of you for your suggestions...I know what you mean. Jay is such an old duck...I tried toys in the bath but after two laptops, it got to be too expensive... and the mouse does not float! Ice cubes sound like a good idea. The old mallard is so numb he would never feel it. Maybe I could get some shots of Jay bobbing for ice cubes...hmmm, maybe I could try an apple in there too...????:confused::P

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Will have to try this with Alfie. He'll bath in his water bowl but won't go near a tray or any other container with water.


The way I got Dayo interested when he was a wee lad. Was placing a 12 inch aluminum cake layer pan on the counter top in the kitchen. Then I took his 1.5 inch arcylic ball with bell inside that he loved to play with and toss and throw around. It put it in the pan and then flicked it arounds with my finger which got him involved. Once he got started with the ball, he didn't noticed the water at first. Then the next thing you know, he was in there splashing around and getting his breast feathers wet. I used ice cubes later because they would just melt away as he would grab them and try to bite a chunk off, then back in for a bath again.


Now I must say, I did take a few bites in the action with that ball as I was flipping it around in his water. It totally pissed him off that I was playing with it. :P


That was years ago, now I just place a large and deep 12 inch dog water bowl (totally sanitized of course) fill it half full and he will just go jump in if he is in the mood for a bath. :)


The cake pan bath I described:

Edited by danmcq
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The way I got Dayo interested when he was a wee lad. Was placing a 12 inch aluminum cake layer pan on the counter top in the kitchen. Then I took his 1.5 inch arcylic ball with bell inside that he loved to play with and toss and throw around. It put it in the pan and then flicked it arounds with my finger which got him involved. Once he got started with the ball, he didn't noticed the water at first. Then the next thing you know, he was in there splashing around and getting his breast feathers wet. I used ice cubes later because they would just melt away as he would grab them and try to bite a chunk off, then back in for a bath again.


Now I must say, I did take a few bites in the action with that ball as I was flipping it around in his water. It totally pissed him off that I was playing with it. :P


That was years ago, now I just place a large and deep 12 inch dog water bowl (totally sanitized of course) fill it half full and he will just go jump in if he is in the mood for a bath. :)


The cake pan bath I described:


Thanks, I've got a dish which is similar- it's a food bowl meant for smaller animals like rabbits/guinea pigs etc but it's quite shallow and has a good surface area. I've shown it to Alfie, filled it with some water and played with the water to try and tempt him but he usually isn't interested. He poked at it a couple of times but didn't play with the water or seem overly interested. It never even occurred to me to put toys in there to perk his interest. I've got some I could use as well. So that's a useful idea for me to try.

It's not a problem when he baths in his water bowl. I normally help him out by getting the spray bottle out, which he is fine with, thankfully. It's just he can't fit in it and have a good splash around. He normally only gets one foot wet or just his toes. The majority of it ends up on the walls and floors instead of himself as well. So I'll try some toys or ice cubes in the larger bowl and see how he gets on. :)

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