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Deb & Romo from N TX


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Hi y'all,


We picked up our 4 month old TAG baby this weekend, his name is Romo, and we are thrilled with him. We had to travel to a family wedding in Austin, and that's where the breeder is, so Romo had to leave his hatchhome and spend the weekend with us in a hotel, but he did fabulous!


He ate and drank well, and slept, played with all the toys in his travel cage, and we did some limited amounts of handling with him. He steps up well, and loves to be talked to.


Now he's home in his big cage and is having a ball exploring it. Romo is our first parrot and I'm sure we'll have tons of questions, I'm so glad I found this forum. I'll attach a picture of him, hope it comes through.

Thanks for all your help in advance!

Deb & Romo romo_home.jpg


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Welcome to the Forum! Romo is a beautiful bird! I wonder if his name came from a Dallas Cowboys quarterback, Tony Romo? There is alot of great information in these pages, so look around, ask questions if you need to, and don't be shy.





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Hello and welcome to the family, Deb, and we look forward to hearing more about you and Romo. What a beautiful baby you have there, I know you are very proud.


Feel free to read thru our many threads on various topics we have here for lots of useful information and if you have any specific questions, please just ask, we will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


Thanks so much for posting a picture of Romo, we love to look at pictures of the babies, they are so adorable and yours is no exception.


Thats wonderful that he did well on his stay in the hotel before he came home and now he is doing fine at home as well. You are brave to start out first time with a grey, they are unlike other parrots. But it seems to be going well, you just have the right perspective.


We look forward to hearing stories of his adventures and looking at more pictures of your precious baby.

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I wonder if his name came from a Dallas Cowboys quarterback, Tony Romo?


Yep it sure did! We are big Cowboys' fans at our house. Today I worked on step ups with him, and a little "peek a bird" with a towel. He was very sweet and seemed to enjoy our time together. I'm really happy that the breeder we bought him from fed him a really good diet of pellets, fresh fruits and veggies, a soak/cook mix, and a little seed mix. I bought everything he had been eating at the breeder's so there wouldn't be any food changes for him. He eats everything really well, and really chowed down on his fresh veggies/fruit tonight.


Deb & Romo

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Deb, that is terrific that Romo is eating veggies for you so well. Our Hemingway would rather play with the fresh veggies, but he's slowly coming around. I'm a Brett Favre fan, so I've taken a certain interest in Tony Romo myself. I'm also from Manhattan, Kansas - home of the K-State Wildcats. I've been following Terence Newman since he was drafted from K-State by Dallas. So sorry about their loss yesterday!:(

Keep posting about Romo and show lots of pictures!!



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