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Hello From Pennsylvania - Please Meet Noel!


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Good evening,

My name is Dave and my wife and I are proud parents of a female CAG named Noel. We purchased her back in November from Bird Paradise in Burlington, NJ and have been visiting her just about every day since.


During our visit on Saturday we were told that Noel would be coming home with us soon. I must say that I we are very excited. Noel is about 4 months old now.


We are going to head over tomorrow and pick up a cage and a desk top play stand and get it setup and ready to go for Noel's home coming.


Had a question regarding perches. We know that we should probably be looking at a perch that is natural wood with differing dimensions for her comfort but we are unsure how many we should have in the cage. Here is a link to the cage we are getting her:


Given the size of the cage, can someone recommend how many perches and where they should be located in the cage? One low, one mid and one high? Any suggestions would be appreciated!


Oh, and here are a couple of pictures of our little girl.


I am sure that we are going to have a few questions as we move through the process of getting ready and bringing her home.


I look forward to being a contributing member of the forum!


All the best,




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Hello Dave and welcome to our family.

You have an adorable baby grey so congrats on your new addition.

I would put a perch next to every bowl that is in the cage and one of those boings would make a nice addition to the cage as lots of greys love to sit on them.

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aww what a beautiful baby girl :) I have heard they have awsome baby birds , they have a very good reputation

I have a nice soft wood perch up high for Brandi to sleep on and one at each food bowl but the ones by the food bowls are cement perch and a sandstone perch also I have a Manu perch and a Boing for her to hang out on , if you ask them at the bird store I'am sure they will help you pick out some nice perches for her cage , don't forget to get a Boing for her , I think all birds love Boings

heres a site you can order some perches to it's where I ordered all my perches except the Boings I bought them at the bird store by me


you can email Ann and she will help you pick out some perches to , enjoy your baby :)

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Beautiful dark eyes & lit-tle bits of food on her face. :) What a sweetie pie!


Nice sized cage ( & for the price btw). Last I heard A&E still had a decent reputation. Think that's going to be a keeper, too.


There aren't any strict rules about how many perches, because, for starters the branches are all different & they're all reasons for Noel to keep moving around. Swings, ladders, platforms & even some toys are all different & all perching, too. That cage has plenty of space to experiment w/what will keep Noel happy & busy.


I really do agree about adding a boing to the list before Noel gets home!! They're big which does intimidate some fids badly. If one is already in the cage when she arrives, it might be easier to accept. I like Sisal so I don't have to worry about loose threads as it gets old.


Most fids spend a great deal of time on them. A boing is a lot of perch space, multidimensional, easy to grip, fun to climb, swings, bounces AND has a bell. They're also fun to hang toys on & Phenix likes to beat his up occasionally. Well worth the investment, honest.


Creating a comfortable cage is kind of a process that feels right for both of you, eventually. My cage layout is a roosting, "privacy" area somewhere high & towards the back, at least one open space for flight exercises for that 2 ft wingspan & the easiest possible access to the cage cups. Nice to minimize how much poop targets everything below. But that usually involves finding out where the fid likes to hang out, as much as anything.


You can see a lot of different ways to set up a cage if you look thru the pics in the "Show Us Your Cage" thread on the "Cages & Homes" forum. Also, you may have to accommodate Noel's coordination before anything at this point. So, you might want to ask Bird Paradise if they have any particular suggestions since they're most familiar w/her.

Edited by birdhouse
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Marco's cage has the main "bar/perch" that goes from one side to the other and then up high is her "resting" perch she sleeps there every night and that is made of some sorta wood and then down low is a big fat green one that is safe for her to chew on and destroy (well they all are) and then I have a rope one on the outside of her cage that goes from a high point to a low and she loves that one!


I really find Marco didnt move around half as much when I first brought her home, like she does NOW! You'll figure out whats best for your baby once shes there! Good luck. Pretty pics.

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What a cutie! Mine are older, never had a baby. I have different perch styles in front of every bowl (4), grapevine, concrete, sand and fir. Then there are 2, made of dragon wood, that go front to back and side to side. He chewed up his boing so there isn't one in there now.

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Good evening all!


Thank you all for the kind and warm welcome. I really appreciate the advice regarding perches. My wife and stopped in tonight for a visit with Noel and purchased her cage, perches and toys after consulting with one of the gals working there. We are going to go over and pick up the cage on Sunday morning and assemble while watching the Super Bowl.


I will be sure to post some pictures of the setup once we have it all put together.


Thanks again everyone!


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Dave, given the size of your cage, 1 perch stretching from side to side, 1 half perch that is bolted to side of cage, and 1 Flex rope perch. The flex rope should be longer than the cage is wide. Attach one end to the back of cage and other end to side of cage near the front in any configuration. Also hang a rope loop perch from the top. Keep water dishes and bath dish at least half way up and keep food dish right on the bottom of cage as Greys are bottom feeders. Just make sure food dish is not under a perch or water dish. Give them treats, fruit (NO AVACADOS!!!! VERY DEADLY!!), and veggies. Many articles as to what is good and not good. My grey loves mashed potatoes but make sure no salt or other seasons are added. Enjoy your new grey and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me anytime.

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So, watched the Super Bowl and assembled Noel's new home. I have attached some pictures for your viewing pleasure.


Assembling the cage didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would. I had visions of an Ikea type disaster!


I think we will bring Noel home in about two weeks. Hoping for sooner but we have to go away for a couple of days during Presidents' Day weekend and wouldn't want to bring her home that weekend and leave her right away.


Thanks for all of the suggestions!


All the best,






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