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Talking to me


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Alfie never normally talks when people are in the room. He might let the odd squeak or short whistle out but never normally makes many other noises. He's 10 this year in April and I've had him since he was 11 weeks old. He's always been the same- will make lots of noises if you're pottering about around the house but won't make much noise if you go into the room and sit with him or if he's out of the cage.


However, he has recently started making more and more sounds when myself or others are around. He doesn't know that many words (always been much more interested in whistles and sounds than words) and he seems to prefer learning male voices than female ones. He doesn't want to copy a lot from me but learnt quickly from my dad when I lived with my parents and also from my ex-housemate who often visits. I love that Alfie is starting to make more noises when I'm in the room and encourage it, as I love to hear him chattering away but don't like having to hide out of the way for him to do it!


Earlier this week I was half asleep and getting ready for work. I had said good morning to Alfie whilst pottering about and he had whistled back a couple of times, as usual. I went into the room to iron a shirt for work and whilst I was busy with that he suddenly said "good day" (which he learned from my ex-housemate) to me. I was thoroughly amused and really happy about this. I knew he could say it as I'd heard him many times but this was the first time he has said it when I was standing right next to his cage. I laughed and gave him lots of praise and encouraged him to say it again but that was my lot for the day. It was enough, to be fair. I left for work with a big smile on my face!

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Just goes to show that they are never to old to do new things! Hope my Timber will pick up on the words one of these days as well. He is about 5 and I've had him almost 8 months. He will chatter when I'm in another room, but doesn't say much when I'm with him. Good for Alfie! :)

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It's not uncommon for greys to be closet talkers. What is the history on your bird? How long have you had him? How old is he?


Hi Jeff,


I've had him since he was 11 weeks old. He'll be 10 in April this year. He's always favoured noises and whistles and picks these up really quickly. It takes him longer with words and he always seems to pick up male voices much quicker than female ones as he learnt more phrases from my dad than he did me and he picked up "good day" from my housemate really quickly. He will chatter away when I'm in the house but usually goes quiet when I'm in the room. It's only now, almost 10 years later, that he's starting to make more noise when I'm in the room. Perhaps he's getting fed up of me chatting to him and is just trying to shut me up!! Haha!

He also says hello more often when I'm in the room - normally this was said when I was entering the house or in the near vicinity. Now he waits until he can see me or says it multiple times. Same with bye- he'll say that more often in front of me instead of waiting for me to go round the corner nowadays.


I love how he practices things too. I often hear him practising new noises and sometimes mumbling away to himself. He always does this when I'm not in the room though, which is fine- as I can still hear him. I'm just really pleased that he's now happy enough to start talking and making more noises when I'm in the room with him.


He knows a few words and phrases:




See you later


Oi! Put the kettle on! (my dad taught him that one)

Naughty naughty naughty! (in a bit of a mocking tone- again taught by my dad)

nag nag nag nag! (again taught by my dad, directed at my mum, much to her disgust! Hehe)

Good day

Trina (my name, shortened) usually followed by a disgruntled sounding "What?" (from years back when my parents used to shout up the stairs and I used to respond in typical teenager fashion haha)


Sit (learnt when we used to have the family dog)

down (for the dog, again)

outside (dog, again)

Come on!

Ow (usually said after biting someone or something)

Off! (talking to the cats when they jump up on something)

No (elongated... talking to/warning the cats when they're being naughty)

Hello? ... Alright then... alright then... alright then.... bye (mimicking phone conversation)

night night!

dance! (usually followed by some enthusiastic bobbing up and down...)


I've always been fascinated by listening to him learning things and making noises. Especially when he chatters away to himself making all sorts of weird and wonderful noises!

Edited by neoow
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Ten in my opinion, is still young. They are capable of learning no matter what age they are. Take Sophie for instance. Adopted at age two, always clipped as a baby until we got her. Her flying ability has always been a C average. Several weeks ago, she decided to adopt our Amazon's flight patterns. Amazing! Totally different, ( I use to be able to tell who was flying into the kitchen based on the wing pattern.) Now I have no idea. She has replicated Kiki the Amazon's flight pattern to perfection, and now has true airlift! Able to land on my shoulder perfectly as well as in windows she has only desired to hang in.I'm sure it took her alot of time to replicate Kiki's flight pattern. ( it didn't hurt that Kiki took time to fly and wait for Sophie). Normally kiki would have been flying around and around, would never have stopped. Nancy

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Ten in my opinion, is still young. They are capable of learning no matter what age they are. Take Sophie for instance. Adopted at age two, always clipped as a baby until we got her. Her flying ability has always been a C average. Several weeks ago, she decided to adopt our Amazon's flight patterns. Amazing! Totally different, ( I use to be able to tell who was flying into the kitchen based on the wing pattern.) Now I have no idea. She has replicated Kiki the Amazon's flight pattern to perfection, and now has true airlift! Able to land on my shoulder perfectly as well as in windows she has only desired to hang in.I'm sure it took her alot of time to replicate Kiki's flight pattern. ( it didn't hurt that Kiki took time to fly and wait for Sophie). Normally kiki would have been flying around and around, would never have stopped. Nancy


That's amazing. Alfie never ceases to surprise me with the things he does. :)

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