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Hello from Central Mississippi !


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Just like to introduce myself and my companion. My name is Len and Penny is my companion. Penny was born in May of 2011, she is a female CAG. I adopted her at four months and finished weaning her a month later. I have had experience 30 years earlier with raising a CAG.


Penny and I live alone in a two bedroom apartment. She has a corner home cage where she stays when sleeping and when I leave for errands. Penny also enjoys the freedom of a large stand when I'm at home and doing things about the apt.


We visit the veterinarian about every 4 months for a checkup and trimming. Penny is in excellent health and shows no signs of stress and also enjoys going out for rides in the car and goes with me grocery shopping.

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Hello Len and welcome to our family.

It sounds like you and Penny have a wonderful relationship going and I love hearing you take her with you on outings, they do love being with us or at least near us especially since you live by yourself.

We love pictures here so if you have some of Penny you would share with us we would love to see them.

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