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Hi Every One,


I am new Here and i just got an African Gray parrot, he is so sweet and active:silly:, we love him me and my wife:kiss: .


he talks few words and sing all the time:woohoo:


His name is Memo, and as you can see in the photo, his father is not even or i dn't know what to call it, any tips??:dry:


Take care all :kiss: :kiss:

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Hello and welcome to the family, MrWiFi, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey, Memo. What a cute name, Memo, what may I ask inspired you to come up with than name? How old is Memo?


Please read thru our many threads on various topics for lots of useful information on all aspects of grey ownership and if you have any specific questions you would like to ask please do so. We will try to get you an answer as soon as possible and help you in any way we can.


If you have another picture of Memo you would like to post for us to enjoy please do so, we love to look at photos.


I am guessing he is not a baby if he is talking and singing some, most are closer to a year old when they start doing that, but glad you are enjoying him. You can look forward to having a great friend for a very long time to come.

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Thanks Dear judygram


this is very worm welcoming, Memo is 1 Y and 4 M, i just got him 1 week ago, and as you can see in his photo he is a cute gray, so active, i would love to train him more and more.


i will walk trough the fourm and i just start reading, i am sure i will learn alot from you guys, as you are the experts :).


My only concern is the father, it look back words, as from the guy i got it from he said it will take a few weeks and get back, is this right ?


Thank you all in advance

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Hi MrWiFi, welcome here :)


Your Grey looks Blue :ohmy: (or is this just the flash of the camera?)


I love the ragged feathers though - he looks a bit 'punk' :P

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Welcome MrWifi!!!


You have an interesting login Name and Grey Name :-)


Great looking Grey you have there, he could be molting as Judy suggested. He sounds like a character and much fun to be around.


We'll look forward to hearing more from you.

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Hey All thanks guys one more time for the nice welcoming


Today i just bought a new play ground for Memo and some new food, he seems need some time to get comfy in the new play ground, ( i upload some photo for him with the new play ground ).


i also bought him a new XXXL cage i hope he will like it. i will build it up for him tomm. and for sure send you guys some photo.


Dear Hannah_Rae, I'm from Saudi arabia :)

Dear FairY lol he is so gray check out the other photos i upload :)

Dear danmcq and judygram ai m not sure if he is molting or have any other problem any way i will take him for a check up at Vet next weekend

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