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Red Palm Oil Facts


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Thought I would share Red Palm oil facts from Harrison's. I hope this helps in everyone understanding it's importance in your Greys diet.

Sunshine Factor - Here are the FactsSSF-FAQs1.jpg

CLAIM 1: Sunshine Factor

is simple palm oil.

FACT-CHECK: Incorrect.


Sunshine Factor is made from red palm FRUIT oil. There is a very significant difference, and there are many commercially available sources of simple palm oil, but few of red palm fruit oil.


Palm fruit oil is a cholesterol-free member of the vegetable oil family. It has been erroneously grouped together with coconut oil and palm kernel oil under the "tropical oil family," which are known as high-cholesterol or trans-fat oils. Palm fruit oil is one of the most nutritionally filled vegetable oils currently on the market.


Red palm fruit oil originates from the flesh of the fruit from the palm tree Elaeis guineensis. This oil is not hydrogenated or processed and contains no trans-fats. It has a dark orange to red color. Palm fruit oil is naturally semi-solid at room temperature and does not require hydrogenation. It is an excellent replacement for partially hydrogenated fats for many reasons. Like other edible fats and oils, palm fruit oil is easily digested, absorbed and used to maintain a healthy metabolism. Read more about the differences of red palm oils.


CLAIM 2: Use of Sunshine Factor results in high LDL cholesterol, clogs arteries, causes heart disease due to high levels of saturated fats and varying other negative claims.

FACT-CHECK: Incorrect.


In human studies, the general properties of red palm fruit oil include the following: decreased incidence of arteriosclerosis, lowered blood cholesterol, decreased occurrence of blood clots by increasing vasodilatation, lowered incidence of strokes and heart attacks and improved immune function. Red palm fruit oil has also been reported as a “chemopreventative drug,” because it has been shown to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells and improve the effectiveness of tamoxifen therapy.


Red palm fruit oil is considered to be one of the richest natural sources of carotenoids. The benefits of carotenoids in humans include their antioxidant and anticancer effects. These antioxidants scavenge free radicals. The accumulation of free radicals in human medicine has been associated with heart disease, cellular aging, cancer, arthritis and Alzheimer’s disease. Carotenoids are needed for the growth and repair of body tissues, the formation of bones and teeth, the resistance to infection, the development of healthy eye tissues and proper cellular function and differentiation. Red palm fruit oil contains beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lycopene and phytoene. Beta-carotene can be converted to vitamin A as required by the body. Alpha-carotene may also be converted to vitamin A and has been found in human medicine to be superior in the inhibition of some forms of cancer in cell-culture studies.

Red palm fruit oil is rich in multiple forms of vitamin E. Although it is often assumed that there is only one type of vitamin E, there are actually eight different forms. These include four tocopherols (alpha, beta, gamma, delta) and four tocotrienols (alpha, beta, gamma, delta). Most diets only contain alpha-tocopherol; however, the tocotrienols are considered to be far superior in their antioxidant effects. The general properties of the tocopherols and tocotrienols in human medicine include the following: inhibit the enzyme that controls the rate of cholesterol synthesis, decrease LDL and triglycerides, raise HDL, increase immune function, have anticancerogenic properties, lower risk of cataract formation and modulate the formation of prostaglandins controlling a component of the inflammatory cascade. Palm fruit oils are the richest natural source of antioxidants, such as tocotrienols, which may exhibit activity against tumor promotion and, in turn, inhibit certain types of cancer. Tocotrienols may also have the ability to reverse blockage of the carotid artery and platelet aggregation, which reduces the risk of stroke, arteriosclerosis and heart disease.


In one human study, 31 subjects took a palm fruit oil supplement every day for 30 days. No other changes were made to their diets. They continued to eat whatever they desired. The results showed that palm fruit oil supplementation lowered both total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol in all volunteers. The magnitude of reduction of total cholesterol ranged from 5 to 35.9 percent and the reduction of LDL cholesterol ranged from 0.9 to 37 percent. What was even more important was the effect the palm fruit oil had on the cholesterol ratio. The cholesterol ratio was reduced in 78 percent of the subjects, demonstrating a highly significant and favorable response to supplementation (Tan, 1991).


CLAIM 3: Sunshine Factor is associated with deforestation and the devastating loss of natural orangutan environments in Malaysia and other areas in the South Pacific.

FACT-CHECK: Incorrect.


Sunshine Factor is made using Brazilian farmed red palm fruit oil. Sunshine Factor is a sustainable agricultural product grown on long established farms. It is not harvested from tropical rainforests in locations where burning for new plantations continues to add to the destruction of tropical rainforests and threaten endangered wildlife. Our farms are members of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).

CLAIM 4: Red palm oil is loaded with beta carotenes, which convert to vitamin A in the body. But so are carrots, winter squashes, peppers, dark leafy greens, apricots, mangoes. If your pet is deficient in vitamin A, doesn't it make more sense to improve the diet than to use a supplement?

FACT-CHECK: Incorrect.


In order for the body to convert carotenes (precursors) into vitamin A, the diet must contain fat, which would be found in the oil portion of Sunshine Factor. Most other fruits and vegetables do not contain fat essential for the conversion process, and most contain only the beta-carotene precursor. On the other hand, Sunshine Factor not only contains beta carotene, but also has high levels of alpha-carotene and 20 other carotenes in a concentrated form. An animal would have to eat 300 times more carrots, for example, to reach just the beta-carotene level found in Sunshine Factor.


Changes of note seen in usage of Sunshine Factor in birds, reptiles, dogs, cats, and other small mammals:

- Improvement in coats/plumage

- Improvement in skin quality

- Increased and more consistent energy levels particularly in senior patients

- Decreased usage of arthritis medications

- Lowered blood cholesterol levels

- Improved weight gain and health in pediatric patients

- Increased the effectiveness of antihistamines for allergy patients

Edited by danmcq
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Per Harrisons guidlines, we mix in the correct amount with eggs, veggies and drip a drop on each pellet mixed in with seed mix. We also get bags of Harrison's hot pepper birdie bread mix and stir RPO into it then bake as well.


Harrison's Sunshine Factor Daily Bird Supplement boasts natural health benefits from oil extracted from the fruit of the red palm tree, Elaeis guineensis. This whole food source of carotenoids, Vitamin E (tocopherols and tocotrienols), coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and antioxidants helps support the health of your bird's eyes, skin, plumage, heart, and immune system. Sunshine Factor is a convenient source of natural nutrition. Offer directly or liquefy and mix with your bird's food. Great for all birds and may improve energy level particularly beneficial in geriatric, pediatric or weak patients. Created using sustainable agriculture practices.



Harrison's Sunshine Factor Daily Bird Supplement is the perfect "secret ingredient" when making tasty Harrison's Bird Bread.

Omega-3 Sunshine Factor contains 14.75% Omega-3 fatty acids to help balance the abundance of Omega-6s found in commercial animal diets.

Suggested use: Administer orally 0.1-0.3 ml per 1 lb (.45 kg) body weight or 0.02-0.05 ml per 100 g body weight. Alternatively, mix 1 tsp liquefied Sunshine Factor with 1 lb of food.

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Well, I really don't have much faith in information that's given out by any company in order to promote their fantastic new product which isn't new at all. A very common thing that's done --especially concerning palm oil---is to give out information that has great test results. That's wonderful except for one thing, all of these test results are coming from work done with human beings, not birds. 80% of this article has to do with people. Other articles have been printed by other companies that talk about palm oil.

I'm really not surprised that this whole article comes from Harrison's. They're already overpriced on everything they sell and this new product is extremely overpriced. Sadly, when some people see that a certain product that's been around a long time, is much more expensive, has a familiar brand name, then it must be better and it's wise to spend the extra money. I feel a lot better telling people about my and others' experience with certain products and depending on the results, how to save money.

So, rather than get into debates about products that are judged by results that are primarily done on people, I'll just say this----When I find out that all african greys in the wild have decided to switch over to Sunshine Factor (after all, it's healthier?) , I'll start telling people about Sunshine Factor . Who knows, maybe I'll even use it.

Edited by Dave007
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LOL Too true! I didn't order the sunshine factor. I wanted to try their birdie bread because Timber doesn't eat what I'm making very well. I will wait until the red palm oil I did order comes in to use it in the bread, which I thought was a good idea since it only uses a tablespoon. Not sure what he will think of the taste of the red palm oil yet, so I don't want to use too much too fast.

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I feel a lot better telling people about my and others' experience with certain products and depending on the results, how to save money.


Hi Dave - I would expect nothing else but rock solid facts and GreYt information from you as always. After all, if it were not for you, none of us on this forum would have known about red palm oil being such a critical need in an African Greys diet for optimum health. Not to mention using Aloe as well. :)

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  • 11 months later...

Would this



Ingredients: Fair Trade hand pressed red palm fruit oil.



Be better than this one?




Ingredients: 100% certified organic virgin palm oil (red).



I would think the second is better but it doesn't say fruit.

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Would this



Ingredients: Fair Trade hand pressed red palm fruit oil.



Be better than this one?




Ingredients: 100% certified organic virgin palm oil (red).



I would think the second is better but it doesn't say fruit.



Go to Amazon




Either of the 2 top containers


Forget about Swansons. It has drastically changed their price. They used to sell a good priced oil and then, they stopped selling it for almost a year. Now they're back with a new high price for a smaller amount of oil.

Keep it simple. Stop trying to fnd something that's already in the product. For some reason, you sem to be focused on Vit A and I have no idea why you think this is the more important ingredient.

Edited by Dave007
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Go to Amazon




Either of the 2 top containers


Forget about Swansons. It has drastically changed their price. They used to sell a good priced oil and then, they stopped selling it for almost a year. Now they're back with a new high price for a smaller amount of oil.

Keep it simple. Stop trying to fnd something that's already in the product. For some reason, you sem to be focused on Vit A and I have no idea why you think this is the more important ingredient.


I am not talking about vitamin a, I just thought I read in the first post that It should be the fruit and the swanson doesn't say that but the other one did.


The one at amazon is cheap but it's not organic either, isn't that bad?


Would the swanson be the second best choice for the price, 8$ Organic 16 ounces.. I am just making sure it's the fruit which i am unsure because of what I read in the first post.

Edited by dannybrah92
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I'll retract what I said about not buying at Swanson. It sems like they're gotten back into selling Ped Palm Oil again and their $8.49 -16 oz size is pretty good.



just remember that all the links you're reading about red palm oil on the PC has to do with HUMANS, NOT BIRDS. many times, the price tag should be important first


What's better,


Original Westiinghouse 25w screw in bulb


Original GE Electric 25w screw in bulb?

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I lived in Liberia with my family and two timneh greys back in the late 1970's until June of 1980. Both of the greys were voracious eaters of nuts from the oil palm trees. They would peel the outside skin off and remove the pulp from the skin. It is a great disappointment to be unable to obtain these nuts here in the United States. Perhaps three or four years ago I was able to successfully receive 10 kg of such nuts from Jungle Gold in the UK. A winter shipment, they arrived in just over 48 hours and I was delighted.


I have been using one or two nuts a week per bird (we now have two Congo's) and I'm now down to the last kilogram and wondering if US Customs will allow another shipment through. If they don't, I'll be out a significant amount of money. I'll also be out of a food that the enjoy and which constituted and integral part of their diet when they each resided in Africa.



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I lived in Liberia with my family and two timneh greys back in the late 1970's until June of 1980. Both of the greys were voracious eaters of nuts from the oil palm trees. They would peel the outside skin off and remove the pulp from the skin. It is a great disappointment to be unable to obtain these nuts here in the United States. Perhaps three or four years ago I was able to successfully receive 10 kg of such nuts from Jungle Gold in the UK. A winter shipment, they arrived in just over 48 hours and I was delighted.


I have been using one or two nuts a week per bird (we now have two Congo's) and I'm now down to the last kilogram and wondering if US Customs will allow another shipment through. If they don't, I'll be out a significant amount of money. I'll also be out of a food that the enjoy and which constituted and integral part of their diet when they each resided in Africa.







You can try this UK link but as far as shipping to US, red palm nuts aren't preserved or processed for long distance overseas shipping. Most of the time, overseas shipping causes all the palm nuts get too ripe or they go rotten.

Edited by Dave007
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