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do your birds beg?


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at mealtimes? Echo begs worse then the dog does, as soon as he sees that you have food he starts running in circles saying "want more" lol...he is a terrible beggar and if you do not offer him at least a small bit he will fly to you, steal a piece and fly off before it has even registered in your brain that the cheeky bird has stolen your food lol. I admit fault for the begging, I eat multi grain bagels for breakfast and I did offer him bites, now he figures if you have it he MUST as well. He really puts my dog and any other to shame when it comes to begging.


Storm is starting to beg, but he doesn't steal it from you, he just starts making these very quiet squeaking noises and will stare at you, if you offer it to him, he doesn't usually want it, but i guess he wants to feel part of the group by at least telling you he wants it, even if he really doesn't.


the dog begs, but what dog doesn't ?

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Misty is much the same. As far as he is concerned my food is his food. Nowadays he gets his own plate when I have my evening meal with a selection of my menue. The up side is that I have reduced my salt and sugar intake and we share a very healthy diet. He does let me sample his nuts as well.


Steve n Misty

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With my zon and my grey if you don`t give them some of your food they will take their own off your plate.

They each have their own plate at meal time, but will run over and take some off yours. Its kind off like share and share alike.

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hmmm goodness marco hasnt started this behaviour but i make sure to make her ... "her food" and feed her on top of her cage before "my food" comes out she dont even pay attention to me. now she might look at me if its the middle of the day and Im eating a cracker or something LOL she knows what those are .....

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This is a terrific thread. I read the headline and came to say that Gilbert doesn't beg, he demands. Then I saw Timber's Mom beat me to it. I think Gilbert and Timber are long lost brothers. Gilbert can't fly to come get what he wants but he shouts "Hey" and then "want some". His favorite is to eat my oatmeal off my spoon in the morning before I get any. Our other little character Java has the sweetest little secret weapon in her begging arsenal. When she wants something really really bad on the rare occasion that she doesn't get it immediately, she will meow and purr.

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Our worst beggar is Fred the Elanora cockatoo, he will take food out of your hand on the way to your mouth and demands a taste of anything you are eating. The Greys just accept their due share, although Pookie wants it in her bowl and not from a hand or spoon. Smokey Joe takes it and throws it even if it is something he wants, except grapes they are too valuable to toss usually. Harry Too just takes what he wants and used to let himself out to do so


Edited by Greywings
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My green wing is terrible when it comes to food so at dinner time i put them back in there cages so we can enjoy our dinner. I tried making him a plate of what we are eating but it did not work he wants to see you pick it from your plate.

My next bird never joined us when we have meals and he does not care about food at all while we are eating.

Just a bad habit that we started and like with the dogs not much you can do to change it i think.

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I just feel it is rude not to share when I am eating. I don't always eat stuff they consider yummy though. Sometimes i eat salad or spaghetti with lots of tomatoes, but I still offer bites for everyone. Even though Brutus likes to say "yogurt" he doesn't like to eat it, but I still offer it. I pretty much eat standing up. Ha HA. I mean wild birds in a family share their food, so I do too. Plus, when I leave for awhile I always give them a little treat when I get home because that is what the MAMA bird does when SHE gets home. My guys don't beg, but they watch me very closely. When I get something they recognize as good, they all show up front and center. Brutus starts spinning and Pancho starts saying his name to get my attention. SOOO funny! I also make them each do their respective tricks before they get a bite of anything. They totally crack me up. We eat dinner after we put them to bed, so we can have one meal in peace.

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I'm sorry for you all but glad to see I'm not the only one with this problem. Jasper used to whistle shrilly right by me to get my attention when I had something and he was in his cage. He has to be in his cage while I'm eating or he will be all over me. I digress...


So we broke the eardrum busting habit but he still begs no matter what I have. Even if it's something he doesn't like and tosses to the floor he will still continue to beg. And since we have broken the shrieking whistle beg he now makes this odd low moaning "mmm" noise that ends in a small kinda squeak. Still annoying but way better than the shriek. And those eyes, staring, boring right into your soul...

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