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I lost my little girl

Parrot Lady

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I lost her to her daddy , she is here and fine she just has decided she loves her daddy and if I try to scratch her or touch her tail or her wing she trys to bite me , but daddy can do anything with her :( and we use to cuddle all the time but now she only cuddles with her daddy grrrrr she will be a year old April 26th 2013 will she change back to me ? or will she always be daddy's little girl?

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I have to admit when I first saw the title of this thread I had a lump in my throat for I thought another baby grey had died but so glad its only that Brandi has chosen your hubby as her favorite, yes it might stay that way and it may not, you may be second choice in her eyes but you will still have a good relationship with her if you work at it so all is not lost.

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I have to admit when I first saw the title of this thread I had a lump in my throat for I thought another baby grey had died but so glad its only that Brandi has chosen your hubby as her favorite, yes it might stay that way and it may not, you may be second choice in her eyes but you will still have a good relationship with her if you work at it so all is not lost.


I thought the same thing...

I can say from experience, just keep positive and keep doing the same thing that you normally do. At first my feelings were hurt that Tango chose my bf, and Tango definitely knew and was aggressive with me. Since I accepted it he has stopped being a "jerk" towards me and lets me pet his head sometimes and cuddle when John isn't home. He prefers John, but will still hang out with me if he has to. lol.

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You almost gave me a heart attack! I thought the same thing. Your baby was truly gone.Sophie learned eventually to stepup to all of us and trust us. Now she hops back and forth to all of us. This morning, Sean and I were reviewing his college bill in the kitchen. Sophie was hanging with us on the countertop blabbing in baby talk, but very serious like us. She'd stepup back and forth until we needed to really focus, told her I had to put her back on her cage while we did some serious banking. I didn't close the birdroom as I should have. She flewout, landed on my shoulder which is very hard for her to do. Sean and I laughed! We praised her, told her NO WAY were we putting her back in birdroom. She flew hard to get back to us. She was happy to be patient and quiet on my shoulder while we finished college stuff.She would have been just as happy to land on Sean. I was first in sight for her. Nancy

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Don't worry so much. My husband has been persistent with his affections towards Brutus, and he gets treated almost the same. Larry can pick him up, cradle him like a baby, and pet him sometimes. True, he is not the chosen person, but he has a fulfilling and close relationship with Brutus, nonetheless. Brutus likes my husband more in the morning and he likes me a night. The other day Brutus even let my husband put him to bed, which is an unheard of honor in our house. Don't give up you can still get a good thing going.

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Brandi is still young and may go through many phases of favoritism. Gilbert was about ten when he came to us and at first I was his wonderful companion. He would step up for me, do his sweetheart dance and regurgitate for me. Then he became enamored with my daughter and I was cast aside but still okay. Lately he has become captivated with my husband and I am LuLu his domestic help and he will only deign to come to me if David isn't home or if he jumps down on the floor and wants a lift back topside. Oh, I am called upon when he wants breakfast or a treat, but I am treated like a barbaric invasion if I touch his cage without his explicit approval and even then it is under a wary, suspicious guard. I have faith he will come around to me again when it is my turn, or when he is darn good and ready. I hope Brandi will do that for you again too.

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I almost didn't open the thread because the title scared me. If it makes you feel any better greys don't usually continue with the cuddle bug behaviour past one year. Just continue being open and joyful to be with her. If you're tense or unhappy she'll pick up on it. Remember, you have literally decades to work this out.

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