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Help find Lily a good home!


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I just found this heart-breakingly sad ad in a list I subscribe to. It sounds like the only reason they are giving her up is because she plucks. She is a very sweet bird according to the ad. I bet she just needs a better diet, more interaction, and some sunlight. She only developed the plucking when they went away for a vacation. Please help! http://bird.rescueme.org/California

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Eight states, thirty five hours and about 2200 miles and still I am thinking about it. It is heartbreaking that if she started plucking because she was distressed at the vacation rehoming is going to be a challenge for her. It is understandable that people feel guilty and helpless when the parrot they love start plucking. When Gilbert came he was in sad feathers and it took a while for his nervousness to settle and for him to let his feathers grow. It was distressing and I felt inadequate but time really did help him heal.

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Here is what her owner said, "Thank you so much for your suggestions. Yes, we are naturally distressed about Lily's plucking and I will try your ideas, but that is not the reason we have to give her up. We love her just as much even looking scruffy!


We have other big life changes coming up very soon...retirement, reduced income, a move to a new city with a much smaller space in our home than we currently have. We love Lily, but we know that we will not be able to care for her the way she deserves. I do appreciate your concern!"

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