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When I got him, he had a chopped up job of a wing clip and some feathers were grown over nubs that wouldnt grow. During the last 2 molts I carefully removed the bad feathers (total of about 7 or 8) with surgical pliers I got from a vet buddy of mine. Ive done this with broken blood feathers before so I wasnt worried about it, he pulled alot too cause they must have bothered him.


It has taken almost 3 years but Timmy has EVERY feather, fully grown on his wings!


I started about a month ago to get him flying around because he has never flown (to the best of my knowledge) before I got him. He was great at crash landings! Now he flies excellent and lands where he wants to!


I was amazed the first time I saw him fully feathered, fly past me in the sunroom...HE LOOKED SO FREAKING BIG! Looked like a hawk heading my way hahahah!!


Anyway, just an update for those of you who know Timmy. Im going in the sunroom now to toss him around some and hook him up with a couple grapes hahaha

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Thanks for popping in to give us an update. We are getting close to our second year with Gilbert and your post gives me hope that we will have flight in our home some day. As he becomes a proficient flyer I would love to hear how that has changed interactions in your home with Timmy. I can tell it is going really well so far, I believe your grin is lighting up the sky, I can see it from Atlanta.

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Katana, soon Timmy could make it to Atl in no time! Its not too far from me as the crow (I mean Grey) flies hahaha!!


I saved Timmy from a mess of a life, tucked away in a dark corner and the people had monkeys, dogs, and ferrets free run in their house...no wonder he was (and still is somewhat) scared of everything. He is GREAT with me but Ive grown to realize he isnt a cuddler but he is one happy guy!

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Yes, this is a great update!

Today, my husband and I opened up an addition to our house to Jellybean just by hanging out and watching TV. We have his portable stand in there as a base and he loves it. It gives him an additional 600 sqft to fly around in.

Thank you for allowing your bird to be fully flighted. It is quite amazing....

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