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new african grey

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Welcome Bermondseylad !!


Where you would post would depend on the topic. If you have training questions, yes post them in training. General questions would go in the African Grey Room, Food and etc and there respective rooms.


You joined the right Forum, there are many here with tons of experience to assist you with. :-)

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Hi and welcome to our crazy flock. Lots of knowledgeable bird brains here which is different than just being a common bird brain. It has to do with graduating. Many passed with flying colors.


For new people joining, manuevering around the board can be somewhat difficult so feel free to post your questions at the easiest spot for now. Your questions will be answered and eventually, the admin or mods will move the material to the proper area and that action will be also posted. In the mean time, check out different areas just to get the feel of how the board works. I had to do it and probably others also had to do it. Have fun here and congrats on your new family member.

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