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In the year that I have had Gracie, she has not allowed any touching aside from stepping up and beak kisses. She has never wanted to sit on me either. Well these past few days, Gracie has flown to my shoulder to perch and just hang with me. I'm really happy! I never thought this would happen.





Edited by JeffNOK
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That's wonderful Jeff! NOW we will be all waiting for your new thread about what to do to get Gracie from wanting to perch on you shoulder all the time and listening to all the woes about poop call outs on your back by your friends/students when you go to work. Enjoy! Love the picture of you and Gracie by the way. She looks content and you look very happy.

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I'm learning so much about "grey time". I look back at my earlier posts and sort of smile at my naivete. I remember thinking that a month was a long time and that my relationship was going to be fixed there forever. But I see slow subtle changes all the time.This Christmas holiday has been interesting because I spent four days with my parents. Now Gracie and I go there frequently, so she knows them and is comfortable, but because she is out of her comfort zone, she is much more dependent and focused on me. When I would leave the room, Gracie started trying to follow me. She flew off her perch and came after me. At first she didn't know what to do when she found me. She sort of hovered and circled me and then flew back to the room with her perch. After a day or so, when Gracie followed me, I offered my arm to her and she landed on it and I walked her back to her perch. Finally she just started landing on my shoulder. She would then just sit there for 10-15 minutes while I went about doing what I needed to do. The only problem is that after a while my ears get too tempting and Gracie can't resist beaking them. When I sense she is going for my ear I quickly say no bite and she will back off. If she does go for a nip, though. I brush her off my shoulder and end her shoulder privileges for the moment. I'm back home in our condo across town now. I wonder if she will still sit on my shoulder now that she is back in her comfort zone.

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Bet someone w/a fid started the saying, "Never say "never"."


Even bigger than Gracie finally being willing to make physical contact, she wanted to find you. She could have just found a hidey hole instead. That's a very awesome leap in your relationship. Big WoooWhooo!!


There's no reason she shouldn't continue to fly to you ...if she has a good reason & if she doesn't think you want it so much that it will be fun to torture you by hanging back. (bribery, bribery, bribery!)


Might suggest you anticipate the ear nibbling & just avoid it by limiting each session on your shoulder for the moment. By removing her before the temptation gets too much, you eliminate the need for negative interaction, especially while this is all new & a little fragile.


You also leave her wanting more which could be a little extra encouragement since she hasn't really been the cuddly type. Time enough to polish Gracie's manners once you're pretty certain she really is comfortable coming to you.

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Great progress. I agree - always leave them wanting more. If you end the shouder sessions before she starts misbehaving she may want more time. You're doing great when she Does start to nip though. An immediate end to shouler privileges sends the right message. If the sessions you end do so on a positive note with praise and a treat she'll be able to see the contrast and will learn what behaviour is expected of her.

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I totally agree with you Acappella. I always try to end any interaction on a high behavioral note, so that is what gets remembered and reinforced. My husband has a tendency to perpetuate interactions beyond the time of good behavior, and he gets nailed sometimes. I tell him, "he's had enough, look at him" but sometimes he doesn't listen. I agree short and sweet to start is best. Bad behaviors decrease when they are not allowed to happen. Pay attention to body language and let it guide you as far as timing goes. Always end on a good note even if you have to manufacture it with treats.

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