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fruit and veg


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hi joined the group a while and u have all been very helpful and i took your advice on putting fruit and veg in the cage daily then i started blending it and mixing it with her seed cause thats all she was given b4 i got her but have found when i do that she doesnt eat very much and was loosing weight so i stopped but she still wont take any fruit or veg the only thing she will eat is garden peas, weetabix, and popcorn ans anything else that is bad for her i tried peanut butter with no success i even made the fruit into toys and hung them in her cage but she is sticking to her guns ohh and she goes mad if your eating burgers or sausages she really wants them but she hates bread or toast any more tips would be great i have had her since may and other people have said u have to get her on fruit and veg but i am trying its not as easy as it sounds lol anyway iv rambled on enough and help would be great. thanks all

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Hi deedee,


Can Admin please move this topic ? :)


It is hard introducing new foods to picky eaters, you must persevere with the fruit & vegtables.Offer new food in a familiar dish with other foods you know Pepsi likes.Even if she just picks a little it's a start,the best time to offer new foods is first thing in the morning this is when many birds naturally forage for food.

Try different forms of new foods - some birds prefer raw vegetables to cooked, while others are the opposite. Some like cooked veggies warm, others prefer them cooled. Some birds might be more willing to taste a puree or even juice made from new vegetables.

Offer foods after you have a bite - watching you eat the food may be all the temptation your parrot needs.

Make a big fuss & show Pepsi how yummy & great the food is.

Just keep trying but Never starve a bird into trying a new food. Good luck.

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Hi Deedee,


It sounds like you are as persistent in offering fruits and veggies of every type and even trying to make toys out of them to make them more appealing to Pepsi.


I agree with LMG, just keep offering them as you have and hopefully she will pick at them and over time come to enjoy her favorites. The key will be trying to keep track of what she picked at the most to determine that.


The is great and she is a beautiful Grey. Thanks for posting it. :-)

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Hi DeeDee,


I agree with what everyone else is saying. We have a hard time getting Hemingway to eat fruits and veggies too. We always offer them, but most of the time he doesn't bother with them, and when he does, he picks at them and flings them all over the place. However, we do have good success with Hemingway if we set him on the kitchen table while we eat. Of course he wants to eat what we're eating, so we give it to him. If having a bird sitting on the table while you eat doesn't bother you, you might try it.



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its not just that she wont eat it, i mean she wont touch or go look at it even on my plate she wont go near i would love it if she would throw it about lol but she just wont have a bar of it but weetabix or twix that another story likes to steal the spoon and run away i have never come across this problem i have 2 cockateils and a barraband and a bugie and they will at least try it and if they dont like it they will walk away is there something i can buy to make up for what she is missing by not eating fruit or veg cause i have heard storys of greys becomeing very unhealthy by not eating these things and i dont want her to get sick. thanks sooo much for your answers my main concern is that she will become ill and i dont want that at all

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