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Rocky has been a bad boy

Parrot Lady

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mom says I have been a bad boy lately , I keep playing with the water bottle on my cage and dumping water all over the floor , why not it's fun lol and I decided I chew some plaster just wanted to try it , mom was not happy about that either so now she is moveing my cage down away from the corner and she is going to put another light by my cage , I should have a suntan or a sunburn soon lol so I guess I better start being a good boy or santa will take all my presents back , she said santa was going to bring me some new toys so I will try to be better :)

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Hola Rocky....Whoo Hoo!! Another one of my kind!!!! Tell her you are not a bad bird...you are a ZON...and you have artistic license (that's what Papa tells Babe I have). A little plaster between friends...what's wrong with that? You should see the hole in the wall behind my cage...and the cabinet doors in the bathroom...and the bedroom door...and Papa's fingers...Babe is always threatening to get an aquarium (Whatever that is) and then I turn my head and blink my eyes and touch my little beaker to her bigger beaker and she is putty in my hands....hehehe! I looooove water....and water loves me! Tell her water dries...(eventually)...I'm not worried about Santa...Santa knows that a ZON just loves to have fun! Besides...when you don't have toys, you can always make your own! Then, they will buy you more just to keep you busy and out of their hair....hehehe...well, gotta go...dinner is coming...and I NEVER pass up a meal...:P

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mom fixed my water bottle so I can't knock it off any more darn lol and she moved my cage so I can't reach the corner any more but thats ok I'am closer to the tv and mom has speakers sitting next to the tv and I keep looking at them maybe I will try to grab one one day , and Santa came and brought of all of us new bird toys and some new perches , we are haveing alot of fun with our new toys , especially me :)

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