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Luna's broken leg


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Hi everyone. I haven't really done much on here since introducing myself and Luna earlier last month. Back on the 13th my poor girl broke her leg. The vet thinks her ID ring got caught on something. Oddly enough Luna was born in the U.S., but she had the 'open' ID ring (not the solid one) which would indicate she was transported into the U.S. which I was told is illegal now. Anyway... they had to cut the ring off so they could splint Luna's leg.


The splint is big and long making Luna's movement very difficult. They believe she may have some nerve damage in her toes. I am taking her in for her follow up appointment in the morning.


The reason I am posting about this is that as unfortunate as this has been and my heart breaks for Luna everytime I see her unable to move or to lift a peanut (I now open them for her and hand her the pieces that fall), this situation has brought us very close. Luna is now about 19 weeks old. We have had her for about a month and she was always very friendly. Now however, her dependence on me has brought us somewhere we may never have gone.


She still likes her alone time to do what she can. However each night I take her into her blanket and set her on my chest. She leans sideways to take the pressure off of her one good leg and her broken leg is sort of swung backwards with no pressure on it as well. I then pet her until she falls asleep. It started with her sleeping on my lap. Now she has pulled herself up under my chin where she rubs her head and beak under my chin and slowly falls asleep with her head on my chest. I never would have imagined being this close so quickly.


Luna is definitely a strong willed Grey and I'm proud of how well she is coping. Hopefully the splint will be off three more weeks from now. I did have one of those cones on her, but she knows how to unsnap it! So no use keeping it on her. She has mostly stopped picking at the splint.



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I amso sorry to hear about Luna's unfortunate accident. I am glad she didn't lose her foot or leg. I hope it heals well, and I look forward to hearing how her recovery goes.


I hope others will read your story and be warned against leaving their bands on their birds. I have been a big proponent of having bands removed due to stories like this and also, I have heard of others who have had to chew their foot off to get it u stuck....My vet had terrible experiences with bands and bird leg injuries in his office. So i had all my birds bands removed.


I hope you post more pictures, she is a dear sweetie, I am very proud of how she is adapting. Thank you for sharing your story, we can all learn from it. :)

Edited by Talon
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Poor Luna! Jasper was never banded, the bird store was against it for those reasons. The manager even convinced me to take Tico somewhere to have his removed, which I did. I have the band still but don't have to worry about him being hurt because of it.


Best wishes for a speedy recovery for her!

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Luna had her follow up today. They removed the splint and said her leg is healing quickly. She definitely has some nerve damage in her toes :(


They applied a smaller splint that is suppossed to be slightly (not much at all really) less comfortable than the first one. I dont like how her leg is turned inward. Just seems wrong. She is at work with me now. She is going crazy tearing up some cardboard that one of my employees gave her. Occasionally she stops and closes her eyes. She's definitely worn out from the vet visit.

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I am so sorry to hear of Luna's troubles and I do hope it heals nicely and there is no permanent damage as nerve damage can heal itself in time. This is exactly why I chose not to have the band put on Josey, I to have heard horror stories of how birds have been severely damaged when they catch it on something, I have the band in my possession and that is all that counts. Poor dear but at least she is drawing comfort from being closer to you, a bright spot in light of the hardship she had to endure, may she be fully recovered by the new year.

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Best wishes to Luna and a healthy recovery!


Our Gabi broke her leg this past spring, catching her leg between deck boards on an errant landing. It was a clean break and had a similar splint on her leg. We had to cover it in "sacrificial tape" that got chewed up instead of the cast. It required daily additions to keep her away from the splint.


She has healed and is back to normal. No one would know anything happened. I can't say how Luna's recovery will go, but wish all the best. I know how painful it is to watch your baby have to deal with this.

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Best wishes to Luna and a healthy recovery!


Our Gabi broke her leg this past spring, catching her leg between deck boards on an errant landing. It was a clean break and had a similar splint on her leg. We had to cover it in "sacrificial tape" that got chewed up instead of the cast. It required daily additions to keep her away from the splint.


She has healed and is back to normal. No one would know anything happened. I can't say how Luna's recovery will go, but wish all the best. I know how painful it is to watch your baby have to deal with this.



Did Gabi have any nerve damage issues?

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Did Gabi have any nerve damage issues?


I don't think she does, but we all know how well birds mask any issues. You would have no idea anything happened to her except for where the bone healed.



As for the band removal issue. Here's another anectodal case where the vet "thinks" the band got caught. But this one was a split-band. Folks, keep your solid bands on - it's the only way you can ID your bird in a dispute. And those happen far more often than a band getting caught.

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