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When did you realize your grey had your heart?


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I think my time is now! We've had Felix since he was 10 weeks old. He will be 6 months old tomorrow. I've always really enjoyed him and love seeing what he learns on a day to day basis. But this week I've realized that I am 110% attached to him and couldn't imagine my day to day without him.

I'm constantly looking online for toys and new foraging tips for him. I got SO excited when I found out someone in our little town opened a specialty bird store recently. I can't wait to get home from work and see him. Anytime I am home, he is with me. I am showing people pictures of him on my phone almost as much as I do my own kids:rolleyes: When he makes a new noise, I can't wait to tell my husband about it.

I can't wait to see where our days together take us! He is such a joy to have with us!



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With our male it was love at first sight. He was a baby sitting there fluffed up looking all majestic and he let me scratch his head. With our female it has taken about 5 years and now I feel that towards her. It has taken that long for her and I to come to a place where we both feel comfortable. She now gives me the best kisses and my heart bursts with love when she does that.

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With Misty it was love at first sight. I got him from an elderly couple who said they could not give him the attention he needed. He was well looked after but a little lonely. Since he came home with me he burrowed his way into my heart in the best possible way and I would never be without him.


Steve n Misty

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That is an interesting question. I certainly knew Gracie was my little girl when I first met her, but we had to get to know each other and bond over time. I think it really hit home how much I loved her after she was about 8 months old and I had a dream that I found her dead at the bottom of her cage. In my dream I was just broken to pieces. When I woke up I ran to uncover her cage and saw her sitting there happily ready to greet the day. I was so relieved I almost cried.

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Twenty five years ago, I was in a pet store in Tulsa when I heard a cat yowling. I was thinking that all the birds would be in danger. As I finally found that lonely little cage tucked in the back, it was my first glimpse of an African Grey. He was silent, so was the cat. When I walked away and heard the cat again, I realized it was him. I turned back and said something to him and he puffed up and hissed just like a cat. I could not get him off my mind and wished I had been able to take him home. Years later when a group of three six week old chicks were available, one jumped right out into my arms and I was hooked. It was not meant to be but the day I saw Gilbert so scared and shaken, and he was quietly watching as I prepared his cage to bring him home, I knew I was in this one for the long term. On the way home, he flipped open the door of his cage and climbed out while I was driving in the dark of night. I was so scared and didn't know what to do. I pulled over and coaxed him to run back inside his cage and when he got in there I heard the first words from him in a quavering, uncertain voice "Gilbert okaaaay" and my heart was thoroughly and freely given and it has gotten better and better every day.

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At the breeders when Dayo was about 9 weeks old, after he selected us as his parronts since we had been visiting the clutch from the time they were 6 weeks old 2 or 3 times a week. He would come running to us the minute we walked in the breeders door. It took a lot of control on our part not to take him home before he was weaned..... of course the breeder would not allow it anyway... :P

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DEJavu - I have exactly the same issues. Mickey takes up most of my day, I dont like being away from im for long periods. If I do go shopping or on business, I cant wait to get back home, and he is the first place I go to when I walk in the door. I also talk to all my friends and family constantly, showing pictures and telling them of every new word he says or every funny thing he does. I sometimes see that they are getting a bit bored by my bird talking and I dont care. I simply look for somone else that wants to listen - lol. I knew he had my heart the morning I woke up and rushed to the cage to open him up and greet him, before greeting anyone else. I spend most of my time making toys for him or browsing the internet for things related to CAGS.

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I had been looking for a Gray for over a year and a half. When I saw Brutus, I was impressed by how much bigger and sturdier he was next to his more diminutive counterparts. Unlike the numerous other times, when I offered my hand, he stepped right up and proceeded to make himself very comfortable- like he had found his home, and he had. I believe when he really started to grab more of my heart's real estate is when I was taking him home on the plane, and he stuck his beak out of the cage so I could comfort him. To this day he sticks his beak out when he wants contact and reassurance.

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Sophie had my heart the moment I interviewed to adopt her at age two. It was love at first site for both of us. Ultimately, as many families interviewed to adopt her, more experienced ( I had none), Sophie's owner decided to interview me again. STILL couldn't answer any of his questions! Sophie was all over me, I had eyes only for Sophie. I interviewed poorly both times, since Sophie and I were carrying on back and forth! She and I are very bonded to this day. Nancy

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