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Water bottles


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I thought I would post this here - mods, let me know if it should be somewhere else, pretty-please.


How does everyone provide water for their fids? Bowl or bottle?


Charlie has had a bowl his whole life, but I've always had my other birds on water bottles. I've currently got both in his cage and I'm hoping to get him switched over, but it appears that he views the dripper as yet another toy.


Aside from my having to change out the water two or three times a day, is there any detriment to his keeping the bowl?

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This is fine, thank you. Water bottles, Birds are slow drinkers, a little water goes a long way as opposed to a Hamster etc. This cause a major health problem, contamination which in turn can cause germ growth and other health issues, they can become a virtual breeding ground in as little as a half hour under ideal condition's... Bowls are safer.....If a water bottle is used it should be changed hourly 24/7...

Even bowls need to be changed 2 or 3 times a day...Remember, a water bottle has no air transfer.....

Edited by Jayd
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I was going to post on this a few days ago but forgot. I was using one of those bird water bottles/tubes with the L-shaped plastic on it (the part they drink from). I also used a hamster style water bottle. They both leaked and I got so fed up with them. So now I just use a bowl and I remember to change it every night.

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And here I was thinking I was being pro-active by using a bottle so that it cut down on the number of things that got into the water!!


I do clean everyone's out at least twice a day (at lunch and dinner) but I'll put bowls back in!


Thanks for the information, all!!

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At home I use bowls at the Sanctuary many of the birds have water bottles we disinfect them frequently. The bigger birds Macaws and some times a Grey will get the brilliant idea of either pulling the tube out or shoving something up the tube so the water runs freely out onto the ground which kind of offsets having a water bottle, but fun for the bird. This activity is very frustrating when attempting to make certain they have plenty of water in the Summer, or you hear the water pouring out as soon as you turn your back. Many of them will also chew the rubber stopper if they can reach it then they leak slowly. No matter what you use safely cleaning and refilling is required.

Edited by Greywings
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I only have one bird that will drink from a water bottle and that's Rocky , DJ was suppose to be water bottle trained when we adopted him but I only seen him use it twice so I got worried and removed it and he drinks from his bowl now , I change the water bowls alot and Rocky has decided to play with his water bottle by moveing the wire that holds the bottle so the bottle falls off and I have water all over the place but I fixed it by putting a chain around it and he also decided he was going to chew the corner of the wall today grrrr so tomorrow he is getting his cage moved down the wall some and I'am putting another floor lamp by his cage , one light isn't to bright by his cage , he has a playtop cage

gotta love an amazon lol

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