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Christmas tree


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I'm pleased to say our tree has now been up 2 days (not long I no) but so far alfie has not gone near it, he does not seem to of been upset by the added decor, which I was expecting still flying round and landing in his normal places, so while I'm still in this false sence of security lets hear your christmas tree tales with your darlings.

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We aren't putting a tree up this year. I have 2 artificial ficus trees in the corners and I think I'll just cut some paper snow flakes and hang them on instead. Almost all my ornaments are close to 50 years old and don't want to chance Jake getting into them and possibly getting sick.

Edited by Wingy
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We have an aluminum tree with two rotating colored lights aimed toward it (think 1960's). The "tree" is covered in clear blue glass balls. Brutus seems to like hanging out on the window ledge and watching the tree change colors. He has not given any indication he wants to land on it, which is a good thing. He is never scared of anything, except strange items in his food bowl, go figure...

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How do you think this Christmas tree with fare with three flighted parrots soaring around.




Courtesy of my daugther-in-law the RN.


I can imagine the commotion when someone goes to investigate and lands on it.

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Heehee, that is great! Lets see, we did things real slow. Put up half the tree (the whole tree wouldn't fit this year with the added stands), then the next week added the lights and then last Monday put the ribbon and 4 boxes of balls that were old and fading just in case. Gabby helped with the balls by just looking at me if she wasn't happy where i was hanging it or bobbing her head up and down if she liked it. Something tells me, she has done this a few times! Only lost one ball so far that met its demise by a dog tail. Lol Sinse this is our first with them all, i am only putting out what i am ok with losing. Gabby did pull over a glass candle holder and tossed it to the floor which really upset my hubby, until he realized i wasn't upset at all. Can't use candles anymore so why bother with the holders! Lol

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I have never had any issue with my grey or conure going to the tree. We always have real tree's due to loving the smell and look. I think both birds are rather cautious of this tree with lots of various decorations and flashing lights and thus being uncertain, enjoy it from a distance.

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We cover the cages when we bring our real tree inside to set it up and then uncover, they hardly notice the tree that way versus trying to bring it into the room and they freak out, not one of my birds bother the tree in fact they avoid it entirely but Gypsy, the tiel, will sit on a branch when I took her over to it, she is the more adventurous of my three.

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sounds like trees are not as much of a problem as I was expecting, we,re still doing ok but have caught him on top of his cage trying to reach some tinsel on a picture, but I'm glad none of the decor seems to of bothered him but it is our first year next year may be different and it is early days!

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We put up our tree "in grey time" this year. We got a real tree while it was fresh right after Thanksgiving. After a week or so, I got the lights on it, tinsel a couple of days later. Now the box of ornaments are next to it. LOL, Gilbert and Java haven't even noticed. It smells nice though.

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marco was more upset when we brought the box down from the attic then she is at the tree being put up. we also have it near her cage not close enough she can touch it tho we didnt set up the back side of the tree so it fit more into the corner and she hasnt touched it at all I too was worried since my ornaments are mainly glass, all sedimental to me and some are even my parents so they are 50 years old. shes been a good girl :D

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Timber seems to have a horrified fascination with the tree. He cocks his head and stares fixedly at it for several minutes at a time. We walk close to it (he's on my arm) all the time and it doesn't freak him out, but if I get too close he starts going up to my shoulder so I'm not worried about him wanting to perch in it any time soon.

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