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How much time do you spend...


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I spend an average of 8 hours a day with my grey. I wake up at 6:30 and spend from 6:30 to 8:30 with Gracie before I go to work. I get home from work at about 2: 15. After work, most days I stay home and spend from 2:15 to 9:15 with Gracie before she goes to bed. On those days it totals about 9 hours. On Mondays and Wednesdays I am gone for two hours for some other commitments, so it is reduced to 7 hours. I tend to only do social things on weekends when I don't have to work, but she gets a good 13 hours on those days (6:30 AM-7:30PM). It has been said that greys need 4+ hours a day of one on one time. I think Gracie would be ok with that amount of time because she is relatively independent, but I know that she values our time together and I try to give her as much as I can.

Edited by JeffNOK
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I am retired and live alone with my three parrots so I spend 24/7 with them. They are out of their cages all day except if I am out for the morning/afternoon/day. They are flighted so they go into all the rooms but my office (my canary resides there, is flighted and is out most of the day), my bathrooms and my bedroom. I once a week keep my parrots caged for the day so that they are use to remaining in their cages just in case for some reason I am gone for the day say like in the hospital or such. Need to be prepared.


My gang follow me from room to room and if I am in my office, they go into their bird room which is across from my office and where they can see me. If they can see me, they are happy. My home is full of boings and perches so my parrots have places in each room to observe me. They of course feel free to perch on me whenever they like.

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Jake is out of cage and can interact with us from between 3:30 and 4:30 when we get home until bedtime around 9. On weekends it is from 7am until 9pm. During his out time he may interact with us, explore independently or nap. Every day is a little different in what he wants.

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I have an hour from 5:30 to 6:30 AM with Timber. My husband gets home at 2 PM but doesn't let him out of the cage since he isn't able to watch him (he cleans house thank you Lord) but he is in the house and interacting vocally with him. I get home by 4:30 PM and then he is out until about 8 PM. On weekends, he usually has 6 to 10 hours out of cage with me each day. Not ideal, but you do what you can and he seems OK with it.

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I try to let Marco out for a morning stretch from about 6-7am (round about an hour) while we are drinking coffee, watching the news and getting ready for work.

Home between 4-5pm and she is out of the cage from then until bedtime 9-930pm.

Weekends (while Im home) shes out from morning (whenever I get up) til naptime for bout n hour and then out again until bedtime ... :D

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The parrots are out of their night cages at 6:00AM. The two boys were uncaged during the day in a bird safe room, but now that Clarice has joined the flock, they are temporarily caged during the day. I leave for work at about 8:30AM. Home at 7:00PM (thank you Los Angeles, for having me sit in traffic 2-3 hours a day). They are uncaged until bedtime at 9:30PM. On the weekends they are out all day in the bird room or aviary.


I'm completely jealous of those who have more time with their birds! I need to reduce my horrible commute. FYI, it's 12 miles to work...and takes about 1 1/2 hours. Ah. Los Angeles.

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Wow! I work too much! Sometimes I don't get home until 7pm. Up at 5am, out by 6:15. Sophie will get up early to hang with me for 15 minutes. I'm always off on Wednesday. I refuse to go anywhere. Bonding day.I'm off on weekends. Sophie is good that I have to run errands, but we spend time together thruout the day. Sundays is a different story. It is HER day with me. Even though I work alot, she is with me the moment I walk in the door.She also has the company of the other birds, and dogs, when I open the birdroom.

Sophie also talks to both the kids on the phone at least twice a week, while they are at college. They are coming home next week. A surprise for Sophie.I haven;t told her. She is going to truly FLIP out with happiness! I will get a quick kiss from Ryan... he will run into birdroom to see Sunny and Sophie. Sean will also give me a quick kiss, run in to see Kiki. It makes me happy, that both of my boys, continue to love our birds, Nancy

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I spend around 15 mins in the morning from 7 30 TO 7 45 talking to her and then go to work. Iim home by around 7 in the evening and then I spend a few mins talking to her at regular intervals.. Since shes still new..she doesnt like it if Im around too long. But its best at night before I sleep coz we have this competition of who whistles more..she makes all weird sounds and whistle and I keep whistling back to her...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I spend about 45 minutes to an hour with Luna each morning before going to work. She seems to understand when I put her in her cage it's because I am leaving. I get home and spend minimum one to three hours with her depending on her mood. Lately it's longer because she sleeps on my chest with her broken leg healing. My wife is great. While she wont handle Luna right now because she is afraid of hurting her borken leg she still sits next to her cage and watches TV or does her cross stitching. She will have the dogs out at that time as well. Luna seems to like watching the dog and trying understand just what they are doing. Luna gets spoiled on Sundays (my day off).

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I'm out of work at the moment so I tend to spend probably around 6-8 hours per day with Tui. I usually take her downstairs in a morning where she sits with me and my parents for breakfast. Then on and off throughout the day she'll come out and come downstairs or I'll sit with her in my room and I let her have free roam. ;)

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depending on my work hours I try to get up a good 3 hours early jump in the shower and everyone comes out of their cages , they all get fresh food and fresh water every morning and I spend time with all of them before I leave for work , on my days off I try to sleep in until 10am then up and in the shower , let everyone out , frsh food and water , clean up time , then its spend time with all of them untill their dinner time also the days I have to work afternoon shift hubby gets home around 3:30 so he watches them and spends time with them , feeds them dinner and put them to bed ,they all get plenty of attention

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Both my parrots - grey-Chico and Amazon-Fig our out different times and varies as my husband works 2nd shirt 3-11:30pm and I work 8:30 - 5 but sometimes I go in at 7 and get home at 7. For the most part, they are out as soon as i get home until I go to bed at 11. On weekends 9 till whenever. If I leave they go in their cages but when I return they are until I go to be 11 or 12. Sometimes my husband lets them out in the morning too so they are out various tomes of the day and night.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The parrots are out of their night cages at 6:00AM. The two boys were uncaged during the day in a bird safe room, but now that Clarice has joined the flock, they are temporarily caged during the day. I leave for work at about 8:30AM. Home at 7:00PM (thank you Los Angeles, for having me sit in traffic 2-3 hours a day). They are uncaged until bedtime at 9:30PM. On the weekends they are out all day in the bird room or aviary.


I'm completely jealous of those who have more time with their birds! I need to reduce my horrible commute. FYI, it's 12 miles to work...and takes about 1 1/2 hours. Ah. Los Angeles.


I will never complain about traffic again!

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I believe, quality of time, is much more important, than actual time out of their cage. I'm sure many are saying " yeah right!" LOL. Now that I have two kids off in college, birds have had to adjust to their own company. Doors are open, bird room door is closed until I get home. They entertain each other. Once I get home, birdroom is opened, birds scramble to come into the kitchen, dogs are waiting to say hi. Once they go thru their " I missed you", with the dogs, dogs go out, I get to say hi. Lots of love and kisses. Nothing like getting home from a hard day, getting lots of love from everyone. Nancy

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I'm completely jealous of those who have more time with their birds!


me too! ... I try to let wally out at least once a day for about an hour and try to spend at least another hour total between getting ready for work and bed just "bonding" near his cage.


I just ordered a ceiling swing to get him a place to "hang out" with me, hubby and the chi's to spend more time with him where we hang out.


If this plan works as expected, I hope to have at least 4 hrs a day with him outside the cage and with the flock... that would be nice!

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The dynamic of my little flock has changed a lot since bringing Clarice home. Both positive and negative. At first I was concerned about leaving Clarice out of her cage with the boys, but they do just fine. Turns out, they know "Parrot Rules" much better than I do. :)

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I spend a lot of time with the guys. I am in school, so I am at my computer, right next to their cages, for hours. They love it when I am here, usually all grooming, eating, talking, playing, or grinding their beaks. I love to spend time with them too, and am becoming hesitant about traveling. I always tell them when i will be back home. Brutus, the grey, does not like it when I leave. He flies to the railing near the door, and says, "See you in a little while." I guess I am turning into the crazy bird lady...

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