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May have a sulphur crested too to take in. I need info to know if this is a good choice. Her owner is sick and needs to rehome many birds.


Things I need to know include screaming info. When do they scream? What's a normal amount of screaming?


Please I need to know what I may be getting into.


I know this bird is friendly to men and I think hubby would love that as I have Neytiri.




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People can tell you about their personal experiences with their Too but the official description is that-----80%

1-They're naturallly very loud. When they talk it sounds like loud squawking. They're very high pitched and they're well known for screeching. They yell when they want something. They screech when they're in an area that they wanna leave such as a cage. TOOs don't like being caged. They're notorious feather pluckers. They're worse pluckers than greys. Except for the plucking/chewing, the same applies to Macaws. If you need good impartial but blunt opinions, go to the TOO board called MYTOOS.COM. They'll help you with rehoming information.

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If you don't have the time to fulfill the desired needs for companionship and love/attention a TOO requires, then a TOO might not be a good choice. I'd like to mention that a 'TOO is the most loving and affectionate parrot as far as parrots go, with the highest level of cuddling of all. In return, they can require as much attention and love from you which can be very demanding. What Dave has said can be completely true or completely wrong depending on the particular 'TOO. It goes back again to what training the 'TOO had received. Some 'TOOs only screech at sunrise and dusk, giving thanks to this wonderful world. It all depends on the type of 'TOO and the upbringing and training it had received. A good analogy might be a Two-year-old child that is very loving and affectionate and a tag-along which never leaves your side. But then again, they can be no different than any other parrot, depending on species and how they were raised. A TOO truly is a love child. The worst thing a person can ever do is to take one in and find out that it might be too noisy or demanding and then re-home it again. I've seen many a TOOs with a broken heart and it is devastating. Always remember, when choosing a parrot, we choose not for what they can do for us but what we can do for them. A re-homed TOO can be one of the happiest or saddest experiences there is. Thank you.


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A sulfer crested is a hyper vigilant bird, usually a bit quieter than a U2 or Moluccan can be. Always active can be a bit more independent than an Umbie, mine is a sweet heart and very loving with me but able to self entertain. Do you know what kind of a SC2 Lesser, Eleanora or a Greater? Several of us live with Cockatoos and I also volunteer with them at the Sanctuary. Like us each bird is different and has a unique personality an approach to every thing from people, activities, interests and foods. Suggest visiting the bird first and see how it behaves in it's current home, ask questions that should give you some idea of what to expect. You can also access Tooztalk.com a very nice group of cockatoo people.

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This post got me thinking. There are many people in greyforums with multiple birds of many species. What struck me early on was that there seemed to be an absence of Toos represented. Toos are extremely popular, yet among the many fid parronts here, it seems almost noone shares life with a Too ( Greywings being an exception). Macaws also seem very under-represented. It is common to see grey parronts with Amazons, conures, senegals, or budgies..but where are the Toos? When I first started researching parrots I was initially attracted to the idea of a Too, but in very short order I thought "amazing birds...not for me." Do any of you think "grey people" and "Too people" have basically different personalities? Why aren't there more Toos here?

Edited by JeffNOK
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Simple answer, We have two TOO's lol. Research, the name of this forum is Grey Forums with photos of Greys on the main page. if you search the net for parrots, it will be listed as Greys, not "All Parrots", or "The What you got " parrot forum...lol Up until recently we only had "The Other Bird" room, then the "Zon room" and now the new rooms.

Most people keep Greys singular, as a one bird family as opposed to MBS...The Grey Forum has tired to spread the word that were a "Mixed bag" of parrots......

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Jayd, I'm sorry if I gave any wrong impression. I wasn't making any claims really-it was just an observation. I see so many posts from people that include pics of their flock and comments about life with their birds, and I just never see Toos. Perhaps there are many who have them, I just didn't have the chance to hear about them like I get to read about the Amazons and some of the other bird species here. Of course this is the Grey Forum. Greys will be predominant. My post wasn't intended in any way other than to pose a question based on my my very limited experience. I hope it didn't come across that I was anti-Too. I mean...wow...Toos are completely amazing. I love all birds equally. I just saw a pattern (perhaps misinformed). I have no doubt that we are a mixed bag here-Mixed bags are the best kind of bags! I just based my comment on what I have seen here, and I hadn't seen much evidence that many people had both Toos and greys. If I was wrong in that, I'm sorry.

Edited by JeffNOK
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I'm sorry, you did nothing wrong and your question was great.....I was just trying to give a answer, some members don't know that we have new bird rooms.....Thats why I put a big "LOL" I'm so sorry.......I'm so ashamed, your posts are always top-notch, please forgive me Jay

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Thanks Jayd for the list of forum members and their different birds.. One thing I love about the forum is that I probably will be a one bird man for the forseeable future. I like to hear about the other species because they are so varied and special. I guess I live vicariously. Whenever I buy a lottery ticket I imagine winning the jackpot and buying a big house with room for an aviary and all kinds of different parrots.

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