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Books as toys


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My AG loves taking about 1/2 sheet of paper towel, dip the end in water, and use it to either suck up water or clean his beak or .. I'm not quite sure what.


This is in addition to simply tearing up newspapers or whatever he can get his hands on.


I took him upstairs for a while a few weeks ago, and happened to leave a book (paperback) within his reach. He LOVED tearing it up. I'm a bit concerned about the ink on it, whether it will be bad for him or anything, so I've only let him play with it a few minutes a day.


Curious if anyone else has a bird that likes tearing up books? Is it a good thing to let him do?


He won't get access to any good books, only ones that I've already read and will either toss or give to the library book sale. My Mother-in-law reads 20-30 paperbacks a month, so we have a ton of books around the house, so I've got a good supply of them.


Thanks for listening!



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Most Parrots including Greys love to shred any type of paper they can get their beaks on.


As I understand it, most printed news papers, books and magazines ink types are safe and most parrots don't ingest it anyway. They simply just love to shred it into a million pieces.

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I'm not sure about ink used in hard or soft covered books but as far as newspaper goes, about 15 to 18 yrs ago, the ink that was used in newspaper was changed so that it wouldn't be toxic. That applies to black and white and colored newspaper.

Most greys love to rip up all kinds of things including books and rarely do they swallow any of it. Rip it, drop it, rip it, drop it. They do the same to wood.

My buddy intentionally his 2 greys phone books to destroy and he's never had a problem. His wife does though. She's gotta clean it all up cause the guy is the master of the house.Women here should use her experiences as a guide line to happiness and bliss in their homes.

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Most ink used in books and newspapers is soy based. (I know because I am allergic to it...hehehe) So it's totally safe. The color ink is different, but most paper backs don't have color pictures, just the cover.

My 23 year old CAG mulched one of my brothers college books in minutes, when I wasn't paying enough attention. Hahaha. He wasn't very happy. :)

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MrSpock wrote:

My buddy intentionally his 2 greys phone books to destroy and he's never had a problem. His wife does though. She's gotta clean it all up cause the guy is the master of the house.Women here should use her experiences as a guide line to happiness and bliss in their homes.



You are too much Dave, I hope you treat your wife like a queen.




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i have been giving Beckette a small corragated cardboard box to chew up. Its not big enough for her to get into (still paranoid about egg binding and encouraging nest behaviour), but big enough for her to have major fun with. Easily replaced since I work in a hospital.

I don't want to encourage Beck to chew books since i have books all over the house, and don't want her to get confused as to what is ok and what is not.


She is smart - but not smart enough to discriminate right book for wrong book.

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  • 8 months later...

I have lost many precious books to Edison. I wouldn't care so much if he attacked my pulp novels or the newspapers, but expensive hardcover coffee-table books are his favourite.


I'm sure many of you do this already, but if you don't then may I suggest wrapping and tissue paper? Not only does it crinkle and shred, its also pretty colours.

Christmas is Edison's favourite time of the year, since the big tub of wrapping paper is out all day long.


And poppy, they always look like they are eating it, but they usually spit it out. I haven't witnessed Edison actually consume paper, but there are tons of little pieces of chewed/rolled paper everywhere. Unless your girl is not eating newspaper, but only eating paper towel, in which case... you must have some really tasty paper towels :ohmy:

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