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Amazon Behavior ?????

Parrot Lady

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I have noticed the last few times my friend has came over Rocky seems to get really excited , Cindy my friend is scared of him and she doesn't get to close to him but Rocky gets super excited when ever he see's her , his tail flares and spreads wide and all his feathers stand up on his body the bad thing is he is very aggresive with me and lunges at me to bite me if I get close to him , I had to take a bath towel and had him step up on the towel to put him in his cage today , we had plans to go out to lunch and that was the only way I knew to get him back in his cage with out him takeing a chunk out of me soooo whats going on with him????? any ideas?

o and Rocky will be 2 in May if that helps

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Oh goody, can't wait for advice. My sweet Nilah does the very same thing when any guest comes over. We are very close and she is very bonded to me, always wants to be with me every minute. But when a guest comes over, the same behavior as yours.....

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This is a very common occurrence especially with your more dominant Zon,s, your Double yellow and Yellow-nape family. It's what I like to call "Overdrive", in a situation like this they become "Dominate" and defending of what they perceive as being theirs, ie: those they are bonded to. They take the attitude of reminding you to stand back and they'll take care of the problem [they'll take care of their turf]. This is the same response they have when playing hard and all of a sudden taking a nip out of the one they're playing with...A Grey has what I call "A love bond", A Zon has a "Territorial family bond"

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