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Gus, our lil baby.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I love my Lily, I love my Lily, I love my Lily. I have to keep reminding myself of that right now. She really is a great bird but she needs a home where she is the only bird. She got Koko last night and we don't even know when. (Gus wouldn't come out of his cage so we know it wasn't him.) When dinner time came around and we were putting them back in their cages, she had a bloody nose, actual blood coming from her nostril. On the other side she had a piece of her beak chipped away by the other nostril and it was bleeding. Also at her beak by her mouth she was bleeding a bit. We cleaned her up and she will be okay but Lord, I can not have Lily bullying the rest. I am not sure what to do. Any advise would be welcomed.

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Goodness but they can make life more interesting than expected, Are you certain Lilly is uninjured as Koko is such a big girl with a big beak? It sounds like that should heal well with no permanent injury. The only idea I have is letting them out at separate times and I know how loud that can get.

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A big THANK YOU to a member of this forum who took the time to box up some treasured pinecones and nuts and send them to us. This made Koko's year. My usual docile little girl saw the pinecone in my hand when I came into her room and stuck her leg so far out of the cage to reach it, I felt bad it wouldn't fit thru the bars. She started dancing and singing and smacking her beak on the cage until I could open the door and give it to her. I think the pinecone is her "mate" for life! To see the change in her face was priceless! Lily and Gus were scared to death of them, but I think I heard Koko say "it's alright, that means more for me". I can't be sure she said that but I am pretty sure! :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ahhh, I remember the days when we could get out Lily's harness and take her outside. She would willingly put her head through for us. I guess she has decided that she, under no circumstance, will ever wear it again. Pat was going to take her outside so he got the thing and she bit him and bit him bad. Through the fingernail with the top beak and the underside with her bottom. Nasty bite, on the bright side, he did mop my floors last night because he bled all through it! lol This was the first bite she has even given us that we could recall, normally she is pretty docile when being handled but that harness set her off.

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Ahh, Koko did get an early Christmas present but now I am worried a bit. She is on the bottom sitting on a rattle, her a Gus have "done it" so many times now I can't count. If she lays an egg I will totally freak out! The pinecone is right beside her to, I can not get near either of them, and she actually came at me when I opened her door to bring her out to the stand so I could clean her cage. Needless to say her cage did not get cleaned. It has to be season for these 3. They are rowdy, loud and seem unsettled. They are demons when they are out of their cages. Gus is screaming like he was when he first moved in. We are going to try this weekend to change things up in their cages, switch around toys and stuff, make it new again and see if that helps any.

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We went and got then fluorescent light fixtures, took the rattle away, well off the floor and put it in her bucket. Before bed last night I went to check on them and I'll be darned, she took her foam mat, the rattle and some nuts to the bottom and made a pallet and pulled the rattle under her and had the nuts within beaks reach, It was the cutest thing I have seen in a while. She was so proud!

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I got home yesterday after Pat did. He had the birds out already, but I couldn't find one. I looked all around and just assumed Koko was still in her cage with her rattle so I walked on into the kitchen, looked around one more time and there she was, under Gus on the stand. How did I miss that? lol That is all those two do when they get together. Pat swears we won't get any eggs that will be fertile, HA! That is just our luck. But what the heck am I supposed to do? Those two just love each other and want to be together. They both can fly so it isn't like we are making them be on the same stand, they each have their own. Yesterday I was bent over the sink rinsing sprouts with the help of Gabby and Bongo and heard fluttering. Before I could stand up and turn around, I had Koko land on my butt. Pat just stood there and laughed, Bongo was on my arm and Gabby didn't move from her spot on the sink and my hands were full of wet stuff but Koko was very happy to just stay on my butt. Pat finally came over and got her off of me. Gus decided he wanted to just walk around the floor, so he did that until Oliver spotted him and he wanted to be on the floor to, that would have been a mess so Pat put Gus back on the stand and got Ollie back up on his, but only after Pat had to pick him up from the branch he was hanging on that was close to the floor. Of course that is a trick of Olivers, he gets in weird situations he can't get out of and we have to go rescue him but then he will not step off so you are stuck with him until "he" is ready to step off. Bubba has found a fun new game, it is to climb up my curtain and get to the wooden rod that holds tab curtains (so the rod spins around). He gets on the rod and leans forward making it spin him downward, but then he gets stuck there because his weight keeps the rod spinning when he tries to get back up. I now have a partially chewed set of wooden blinds I may try and sell, lol.

Not sure when these guys learned all this stuff. When I was in the kitchen, Gabby was taking my paper towel and throwing it in the trash for me. She missed more than she got in but the effort was there. She has never done that before so I was impressed. Putting the guys to bed, we hear, "Hi Koko" which is a normal thing to hear except we were in with Koko and it wasn't her saying it. Either Bubba or Ixta has picked that up now. Never a dull moment around here, well I guess there is after 9 pm, too bad by that time I am in bed asleep!

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Pat experienced a full on attack from Koko last night. It isn't often he has to get a towel but he did with her. Koko and Gus were out playing in the room, Lily was with me in the kitchen, but it was time for dinner so Pat was taking everyone back to their cages. He put Lily in her cage, she started her screaming to come back out and that set of Koko who was halfway up her own cage. Lily stopped and all was calm again so Pat went to pick up Koko. She stepped up just fine then came down quick for the bite. He rolled his arm to get her off balance but she flew to the floor. Game on, she started flying at him with his death in mind, he had to put his hands up to block her from his face, he has several talon scratches on his forearms. He made it around her to get the towel and as she flew at him again he tossed the towel over her, was able to get her back into her cage with no serious bites. This hormonal thing is getting very serious. I have removed what I could that could trigger breeding except the main thing, Gus and the rattle. I can not get near that rattle. she watches it like a hawk. After all that with Pat, when bedtime came around she was as sweet as could be to me, comes to side where I rub her beak and we talk about the day and say our good nights to each other. LOL Pat said last night that he wants a grey bird only sanctuary, lol. The U2's dislike him. Ha, the greys, except for Bongo, only tolerate me so we are even!

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Okie dokie, Koko is officially displaying her content for Pat. We can't figure out what happened but she is furious with him and will not even let him carry her from the bird room to the living room now. Oh, she steps up just fine but then WHAM she goes down for the bite. He is a tough guy and was visible shaken up last night. (Mostly his feelings are hurt that she is doing this) But he had blood down his arm and came in the kitchen and asked if I could get her or was going to have to towel her and he did not want to do that. (this explains all the greys flight just moments before and i was still collecting them up, lol) She was under the coffee table so I just bent over and asked her to come to me, she did, stepped right up and I put her in the cage. When I went back into the kitchen I saw blood on my hand, my first thought was Koko, did she hurt herself in that tussle? Checked on her and then it hit me, it was Pats blood from her feet and beak. lol I feel bad for Pat, he is truly hurt. He was by her cage talking to her and rubbing her beak asking her why, what did he do? He could change it whatever it is. I smiled just a bit, I had almost 3 years of this behavior from his Gabby and still have knots on my arm from her bites, I know they are different but the feelings we have are the same, always asking why. On the bright side, I let Chacho out of the cage yesterday to explore things while Pat was in the kitchen and he even walked by Chacho while he was out and no attack from him. Maybe Chacho felt that the "big white bird" was doing a good enough job torturing Pat, he could take the night off! lol

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Oh dear so sorry hear that both himself and his feeling got damaged, Too's are just the most contrary creatures sometimes and it takes us some deep thinking to discover the source of their angst. Big band aid for Pat he may survive the hormonal crazies she is feeling, you are right she is a Big White bird.

Edited by Greywings
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So sorry Pat is hurting. I'm sure you've gone throught all the possible triggers. I don't have any advice re: a Too's hormonal problems. The worst thing that's happening around here because of hormones is that I'm on the receiving end of some regurg if I don't pull away fast enough. Lol.

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:( Wow, that's some serious blood letting! Ehugs for Pat!!


Raging hormones are temporary insanity. That's all there is to it. The sweetest fid in the world can turn into a serious menace & back into well, the sweetest find in the world 2ish wks later. Nothing for it but to wait them out & keep all the really vulnerable body parts as far out of reach as possible.

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And now Lily has caught it too. It was her night out with us and all was going just swell until Pat got home. Lily doesn't bite and I had just had her on her back cradled like a baby walking around the house. I put her on the countertop so she could play and eat her cookbook. Pat went to put something in the sink and she ran after him mouth wide open. She did that for over 5 minutes, chasing him around trying to bite him. I had to leave them alone and go put the other 2 up so she could go back into her cage, of course Koko was in Gus's cage and he was on top of his cage so this was something that wasn't going to happen but all of a sudden here comes Pat with Lily at arms length saying she has to go back in her cage even if the others are still out. lol He just isn't having any luck with cockatoo's this month!

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  • 3 months later...

He is, but just by the skin of his teeth!

Last week when we were putting the guys up in their cages for dinner Lily was in her cage, Gus was on top of her cage and Koko was on top of Gus's cage. Pat was trying to get Gus and I had the food bowls when Koko decided to charge Pat. He had just gotten Gus's foot on his arm when he had to run with him to his cage, he did manage to get Gus inside of it then I was hit with a gust of wind from his running by and him yelling for me to shut the cage doors and get Koko. Gus is the only one he can handle right now and even Gus has been nippy. lol

I love my Lily pod but have come to the decision that if the right person wanted her we would rehome her. She doesn't get to come out of her cage much because of her aggression toward the other birds, I get her out after everyone has been put up but that just isn't enough for her and it isn't fair. So far though she has only let one other person hold her and that is our neighbor Rob. He wants her so badly but his wife says no way. We thought that she would calm down with the others but she hasn't at all. She flies into mirrors trying to kill the birds she sees and even flies after reflections to kill that bird. I am not using the word kill lightly either. How such a sweet bird like her can turn like that is beyond me, she just needs to be an only bird. :-(

Koko and Gus are an item now and must never get out of sight of each other. lol I told Koko's owner that I hope Koko is to old to have babies otherwise we would be grandparents very soon. She laughed and said she hoped so too!

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