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Gus, our lil baby.


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You might get lucky w/a long scarf knotted behind your head. Either head band or kerchief style. As long as it doesn't freak anyone out, it might at least make Gus uncomfortable about landing. Too bad it's so hot or you could use a neck sprain horse collar while everyone heals &/or until Gus decides he's too frustrated to bother any more.


Also too bad he's not the bird of prey he thinks he is. Then at least you could put hunting bells on his leg. But it would probably drive a parrot crazy for the 5 min it would take for them to pick them apart.

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The deed has been done. :-( Gus has been clipped. Took a few at a time to make sure it wasn't drastic. He glides to the floor, no altitude and dare i say not only were Pat and i more at ease but Gus seemed happier also. He was on the floor pushing his toys around having a great time. He tried for our feet a few times but we said no, stood our ground and he just went back to playing. It has only been half a day but i am hopeful this may help! Before the clip he was never on the floor, he always wanted on us or by us, it seems he is more self reliant and actually can play by himself!

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I was actually crying while Pat trimmed him but seeing his eyes light up afterwards while he played on the floor, it made me wonder if all the freedom he had scared him. He had been locked in a cage so long that his wings grew back and then coming here and not being locked up, well maybe too much all at once. He sure seems happier.

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So far not bad at all. We had a little jump on to me yesterday but for the first time he didn't bite when he landed! I call that progress. He just seems content, even ate pellets when i watched him, usually he just slings them. Lol

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I sure hope so. He is loving the floor thing. Lol, he pushed his roller skates all around last night. Too bad the wheels were not the part on the floor. We laughed until we had tears, we did get it on video but having trouble uploading. So far, no regrets on this decision!

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Gus was certainly working off a lot of energy with his skate on the floor. Having something to hold in his beak helped prevent him from going after toes until he lost his hold. From the beginning I was watching those bare toes and flinching just a little wondering if he was going to go after them. It is a joyful playing he is doing across the floor and getting him to focus on something new is probably a big help in changing some unwanted behaviors... neck pinches and such.

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He sure was having a good time with the skate! I'm always amazed at how easily they are entertained considering their intelligence, then I remember how my kids could play with simple toys for hours. Timber likes to bat a plastic cup around on his playtop and never seems to tire of it rolling back so he can attack it again. Thanks for posting the video :)

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Very cute! Reminded me of a little kid w/a hot wheels car. Only a lit-tle more aggressive. At some point I was also waiting to see Gus get wound up to where he was going to go for someone's naked toes, like Dee said.


I thought it was interesting when Pat stood his ground & said NO it deflected Gus even though he was obviously too over stimulated to leave it at that. But when Pat actually reach toward him it seemed like it escalated Gus' reaction, too.


Was wondering if it makes any difference when you squat down to Gus or reach from the same height as his feet vs from overhead?

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Nah, when he gets like that all we normally have to do is just touch him and it brings him back around. This time though, Pat had put his glasses on to go into the other room and Gus saw. He hates when Pat has them on, he screams and chases and bites whatever he can. Its too bad Pat is farsighted! Once he really saw Pats face without them he calmed right down. As far as the flip plops, that is scary cuz he loves to attack feet. We are trying to break that habit and for us hiding our toes isn't going to stop him, maybe getting use to feet will get him bored of them. When he first came here, he would even attack your feet in tennis shoes, he is past that now, thank heavens!

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Wow, like Jill said, drama queen. I get that about too's from what I've heard. But it's something to watch in real life. They're so beautiful & generally seem to have such an over the top mentality. They've always fascinated me!


I also watched the rest of the vids you uploaded. That one where Gus did a little screaming certain said it all. A little bit of that goes a very, very long way, I think. How is that going?

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What? I'm sorry, i couldn't hear you with Gus screaming? Am i still dreaming? Yes, everyday i dream Gus will stop that attention screaming! Lol

It has improved greatly actually. Mind you he still screams his head off now and then but it doen't last near as long as it use to and we, in time, have found a few of the triggers that get him started, One is the dogs barking, a few yips and there he goes into full scream mode. The other we found is Pats glasses and the third is when we are not in the same room with him and the last is when we are in the same room as him but not holding him. Hmm, i guess he still screams alot! Lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, i keep having these dreams of Gus walking through the house, teasing the dogs and chasing them into a corner. Most people worry about their dogs hurting their birds, i worry about what Gus will do to the dogs! Oh wait, my dream isn't really a dream, he's doing that. Since his little clipping, i have gotten no bites but he jumps off his stand. He has also gotten much better jumping and his distance has increased greatly. One of our things with him is when he flew, he was silent and it always suprized us. Now his jumps are silent and we find him just walking around the house, jumping at the dogs. I have a pile of toys for him on the floor so when he is down he has stuff to play with and maybe leave the poor dogs alone but he goes nuts. His favorite thing to do is take those toys and run/push them all around the grout lines in the tile floor, if my blind dog hears the noise she goes to investigate it and gets in Gus's way. My home is slowly turning into an insane zoo! They are the zoo, i am the insane one!

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Okay guys, i really need help and ideas here on this screaming! Tonight i had to run away and just cry. It is so bad and constant anymore. He had gotten so much better and one night he was so sweet that we brought him into the bedroom for some cuddling and bam... He has screamed and screamed since. I want to do him good but i am really starting to lose it mentally with him. What can i do? If we show him attention, he screams when we stop, we put him on the floor to play and he chases and tries to bite our feet or shoes, we bring him to the kitchen chair when we are getting dinner ready and he screams. I really need help here...

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