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Gus, our lil baby.


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Kudos to you for the nursing work, even while I'm sorry for the reasons you had to do it. I can't even look at stitches on somebody without feeling sick so nursing was never a career option for me. Lol I feel so bad for the guy losing his birds for health reasons. Maybe you could list the birds on Craigslist or Kijiji. After all, they're not all bad that look there, and you and the birds owners would have complete control and the chance to interview people, go to their homes etc... Do any of the birds have to go together or could you do 5 separate homes?

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It would be great if they could go together since they are together now and have been for years but who knows, taking on 4 blue and golds is not a task for the weak at heart. lol

Spent the entire day yesterday power washing cages, disassembling and then reassembling. These are not the small ones that could fit through doors either. (They should make cages like they make the campers, press a button and the walls move out to make the room bigger.)3 double macaw cages, 2 huge stainless steel ones that are 7ft tall and atleast 4ft wide, 4 cal cages that are also very large. Making new perches and hanging toys, finding bowls to fit the new ones. Got it to the point that they can be comfy until we can start working on them again. We had some luck that the weather was cooler than normal so all the birds got to be outside all day until about 8pm. From the speed we were working, the rest of my house looks like a bomb went off, tools, parts, boxes and leaves are everywhere. I am still going to go to visit the babies today, this mess will still be here when I get home.

Now that Pat is out of his bandages and can handle the birds again, I had a small yet painful power washer accident. Did you know that the force of the water from those can take the skin off of your hand? Well I didn't, but do now. And of course the wound starts on my thumb, at the very bottom near the palm but on the top side, and runs down to the base of the nail. We can not catch a break, I have to wrap it not only on the finger but around the palm of my hand to get the whole wound covered. Now I can not handle the birds until I can take the wrap off. Every time I bend my thumb though, it pops open again so who knows how long this will take.

Edited by murfchck
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I'm just getting caught up on your life. It's been a couple of rough weeks. Your poor fingers and hands. It's beyond my comprehension how anyone can steal and destroy property without a thought of the hardship it causes to a family. Trucks are a favorite target because they can get under and out again so quickly. The scrapyards where they sell them should have responsibility for creating the "demand" and they should have to get photos and copies of driver licenses for anyone who brings one in. Bless you for caring and helping these gentlemen with bird care and finding homes for their flock members. I can barely bring myself to imagine losing the capacity for keeping much beloved companions. You deserve a special place in heaven for the loving care you give freely.

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Here is one of the 8 we got. We still have not had a chance to get all their toys back in, just the one they would kill us for are in there. lol As we took them apart, we put their stuff in their own labeled box, I now have these boxes all over my living room. Such a mess!



The cockatoo's love their new cages and the mess they make has slowed down some since they can not pull the bowls out (yet). Even they greys are happy in their new cages, no fussing at all. The talking and whistling have even increased with them.

Back to work today for some much needed rest.


Oh, and on a side note, State Farm sucks! This was our first claim in over 7 years and only our 3rd claim total on our cars in 30+ years. To break it down the part cost was 1700, then there were parts for the install and an emissions sensor, rental car for 8 days and labor to install. We have a $500 ded, they cut us a check for 416.00. Something just doesn't add up but they are sticking to it. They suck, if I forgot to mention that.

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What brats the Ins. companies can be don't we have some kind of go between that can assist with the settlement? The thieves are the root problem and from what I have been told the part they stole is usually sold to scrap metal yards as it contains Platinum so worth the theft. You would think the scrap yards would have some suspicions when the same folks keep showing up with the catalytic converters on a frequent basis. I think our state laws make the scrap people take info & photograph all sellers they buy from should give police a staring point.

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We have been fighting, lol. Our local branch that we use was not surprised about the trouble. Seems that they took any authority away from the local branches. Pat asked him if the corporate office is doing all of this now, what are they there for? Pat told him he was nothing but a salesman and he couldn't disagree. I will say, he felt bad enough that he reimbursed us all the money on the rental car we had, and he didn't have to do that. I just wish corporate America would butt out of local companies. That goes for Home Depot to!! My short list is growing larger by the day of companies ticking me off! Even Kohl's changing the rules on Kohl's cash. (I mean I understand why they stopped accepting it after it expired, but they spoiled me and now I have a purse full of their cash I can not use! No warning.lol)


So, did I mention that Pat broke his front tooth Monday night? Got him to the dentist, needs a crown and root canal but is he going to do it? No. He told the dentist to make it functional so he doesn't whistle when he talks, lol. What a goober! He actually said the birds may need the money and he won't spend it on his tooth when a simple filling will work...


Calgon, take me away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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We had a perfect flight from Gus through the house with a beautiful landing on my arm. (at least I think it was beautiful. I put up my arm, ducked my head and squeezed my eyes closed waiting for the painful bite that never happened!) He did run right up my arm to my shoulder though so Pat had to intervene and take him off before I lost an ear or my glasses. We don't let these guys on our shoulders now since Pat's last ear piercing. There is nothing like seeing your husband walk in a room with his neck and shirt collar full of blood, the risk isn't worth it! And now that is where Koko wants to be, she isn't happy on the arm anymore.

Last night Bongo wanted his time with me, as I was bent over getting a pot out, he landed on my butt. lol I slowly stood up and he walked up to my shoulder, he is allowed there. :-) Once he got there, I turned my head to him and called him a goober, he laughed at me like he knew exactly what he had done.

It was bath day last night ( could be why Bongo was so clingy to me, he hates the baths and won out and stayed dry. ) Oliver had a bad reaction though after his. He started to freeze up, like he was having a seizure again. Pat grabbed a towel, pried his feet off the stand and took him outside to get warmer. It took him a few seconds and he snapped right out of it. A few years back he had a full blown one after a bath and fell off the perch he was on, so this time we knew what to watch for. He and Bubba stayed in the aviary until dinner time.

I have an empty cage in the greys room, waiting for the amazon to move in, lol. Both Pat and I keep going to the cage when we put the birds to bed as if there is a bird in there already handing out an almond. Pat even put water in the bowl for him once before he realized there wasn't a bird in the cage! I guess we are already programmed.

Our friends partner had surgery Tuesday and had is legs removed above the knees. They said he is in pain, as expected, but is doing better than he was with the legs and will be back in his regular room in no time.

Oh, got a citation from the city yesterday about the branch that fell from our tree, lol. Pat was home and told the guy that he had had an accident and couldn't use a power tool to cut up the branch until this weekend. They didn't care... Pat went out there and our old neighbor had come by, saw him and stopped to help. There are still good people in the world!

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No kidding. It may have been a little guilt on his part since we are pretty sure it was his realtor who called it in. lol. I know it wasn't the other neighbors since they were all out of town. We were bird sitting for one, dog sitting for another and plant and lawn sitting for yet another. Narrowed it down really quickly.

We are off to our friends home today to visit and "talk". We missed last weekend. so the cage cleaning must get done, but he asked us to not clean, that he just wants to talk and make plans for his partner's coming home. I told Pat that he was in charge of that and I would clean the cages best I could if he lets me.

My flock is feeling the weather change and seems to be going stir crazy. It went from the 100's to low 60's in two days. Lots of rain too which is so nice. Well I call it rain, it is more of a very heavy mist. We had birds flying all over the house last night and couldn't keep up. We have made the decision not to have them all out at once but to rotate them. haha, I think we made those plans before but I am weak and want them all out if I am home so they can spread their wings and fly. I already asked if Bongo had to be on the rotation, he is such a good boy and doesn't bother anything or anyone when he is out and gave it my best sad face. Pat just looked at me like I was crazy. lol

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Welp, Albert moved in yesterday. He is a yellow nape amazon and has his thread in the amazon room already, with a picture. But now I am in a pickle. If you all recall my neighbor and her birds. She came over last night and said she needed help and wanted us to take her birds. A scarlet and military macaw. My husband is freaking out and so am I to be honest. I am a little upset that she really thinks she is doing me a favor by "giving" me her birds. She is keeping her cages to sell on craigslist to recoop her money she is out on them. And said since she is giving them to us, I have to help her sell them. Umm, really? I will be out vet bills, food bills toys etc to house her birds and she is doing me a favor? Okay, for us it is birds first and they need to get away from her but this will now make 11 for us and we are not a sanctuary yet legally. This is all out of my pocket. I can't deny these birds but I feel like I need to say something to her that she offered them, I didn't ask for them. Plus we still have our friends 4 blue and golds, Cag and hawk head and two retired breeder greys and one old man red front that loom in our future. The cockatoos are really killing us, ok, my two are killing us lol Koko is a gem, for real. :-) If they were all like her there wouldn't be any problems!

Okay, off my soap box now and ready to start my day of cleaning and cooking as hubbys mom is coming over for dinner, Now where is my kitchen table????

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I called her Sunday morning and expressed our concerns. It was all set that we were going to take them in so we spent the whole day rearranging the house and the birds, set up a cage ( she was bringing one in its cage already ) to fit 2 more macaws. About 6:30 she came by and said she changed her mind. That she couldn't part with them and was really going to make an effort with them. I gave her a big hug and told her I was just across the street if she needed anything at all. Then Albert flew over her head to me, then he tried to fly to her and she ducked (we don't know if he would have bit her so we were ok with that, lol) After he landed and I went and got him, oh did he start talking, and talking loudly! I laughed so freaking hard. Bongo is seeing how he acts with me and after just one day, Bongo is starting to let me get closer to him!

All the birds were outside yesterday, except Albert so not to much else to tell you about!

Oh, our friend was sick Saturday so he cancelled.

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Had to keep the too's up last night, we moved the greys cages back into their room. That required removing doors and a lot of noise so to keep them less stressed they stayed in their room. Today is their day though so they will be out with us all evening. Rearranging the house to fit the two macaws was a blessing in hind sight. The set up is so much more functional for the Too's and now everyone has a window to see out of when they are in the living room/ kitchen area. More relaxing for us also, now if Lily and Cotay would just sit still, lol.

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I asked him what we could do and he just said to come Saturday. I told him we would be there with sprouts on! He is such a good hearted man. All can think of today are the holiday's approaching and him being alone. I will invite him to our home of course but who knows what he will be able to do.

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Had a friend over last night, last time he was here we had 4 birds, needless to say he was pretty shocked. lol But he fell in love with Koko in a big way. This guy is a Metallica type of music guy and so I showed him the video of Snowball, the dancing cockatoo from you tube. The one where she is stomping her feet and rocking out. He was holding Koko and then she just started dancing and head banging right along with the music. I never saw such amazement in someones face before. Made him love her even more! Bongo was always his guy when he comes by but poor Bongo had to wait. lol I have a video of Pat drumming and Koko dancing beside him and we caught some of her dancing with Snowball but it was on hubby phone so I have to do some transferring around to be able to post it, I will work on that soon, I promise, they are way to cute to keep stored on a phone. Maybe I will figure out you tube and let Koko give Snowball a run for her money!

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And so it has begun. We were asked to take his birds in for him when the time comes. He is not ready now but knows with his parkenson's it won't be long before he can not care for them any longer. That will be 4 blue and golds and one congo grey and a hawk head ( who HATES me btw). However the talk came up about how will he be able to care for himself and that moved on to the purchase of the perfect bird's house we wanted to buy but our credit wasn't good enough. Going in it together allows him to be cared for more than one day a week, he could stay with his birds and we would have the house we really need for our flock. Not a terrible idea but we really need to think long and hard about this. He told me to consider him our biggest, unfeathered, unknown species bird. I helped him prep food for his guys today because he can not hold a knife anymore and he wanted them to still get their good food of yams. He said opening cans is even getting to much for him. The gnats are much better, still there but better and now there are roaches. Next Saturday we will treat for that. I just want to wrap him up and bring him home with me and tell him all will be good again in time. I could not ever picture my life without Pat and to face the struggle of just living day to day. Pat and I have no children so one day we will be in this same position, scary to think about.

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