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Gus, our lil baby.


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Well didn't get to try it last night. We got the babies out and Pat got a call about his car that he posted for sale and ended up selling it so by the time we got the last bird out from their cage, we had to put them right back up and got home just in time to start dinner. lol Poor kids were so confused. Tonight will be the same. but hopefully we will be home sooner. Somehow Pat sells his car and I end up carless and riding my bike to work. hmmm? It did the kids okay though to spend a day in their cage for a change, just in case they should ever have to, I know they will survive it. It was more good for me than them, just to prove to me they would be okay.

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Sometimes we stress out about how our fids will react to a change of routine and at the end of the day they're perfectly fine and we've wasted our energy worrying. I just went away for the weekend and had a new pet sitter. I worried and stressed about my boys all weekend and, of course, I got home and they're both fine, if a little sulky. Glad your flock didn't hold it against you.

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Things are back to normal again. Pat got a truck on Wednesday, he was so funny too. He told the people that he had to have a truck because he was tired of renting a load and go every other weekend to haul cages. lol What was worse my Jeep pooped out on us when we got there, so we both ended up with new vehicles. Poor birds were in their cages again all day Wednesday, we went straight from work and didn't get home until 10pm. So to make up for the two days they were in their cages they got out yesterday and were spoiled with each of them getting their favorites for/with their dinner. Some got corn on the cobb some got pasta, some snap peas and some even got the beloved cheddar cheese. Bongo of course got a little of everything, lol.

Cotay was a busy girl though, she decided she did not like the texture on our wall near her stand so she removed it for us, about 5" around and she was so proud. Out of no where now she lets me pick her up and even sat on my shoulder yesterday. I feared for my faces life but she did okay with it. She also flew a bit, from her stand to the table and then over to Koko's stand (which Koko was on). Good thing was Koko just looked at her as if to say, are you crazy? But then Koko just looked at us with the ok, you can get her off any time now please. Funny how you can just see in their eyes what they are thinking.

Lily is still jumping off her stand too, I tried to wear her out, playing and running around in the room while I cleaned all the cages yesterday, then sprayed her down as suggested. heehee, I think she flew more than normal trying to dry herself off. She is also getting nippy with us, maybe she really is in season full force, who knows with her anymore. I know her and Koko are fighting for domination, if we are holding one, the other just screams. Poor Guster, if we hold him they both freak out and want him for their self! There is no holding two of them when in the same room, that is just asking for trouble. Pat was holding Koko and Gus decided he should be with them too and flew right on over and landed on Pats other arm. lol That was fun.

Bubba will be going back to the vet soon, his 'roid is back and pretty big in my book. If it would just stay out though so I can get him to Dr Moore to remove it would be so much better. Otherwise he will have to have surgery and be knocked out.

Gee who haven't I mentioned and updated... Gabby and Oliver... Gabby is Gabby, everything is hers and no bird shall be near it or a fight will ensue. Oliver, he is my boy and loves me to death too but only has eyes for Bubba. Bongo, he is just my sweetheart and does no wrong, ever! lol.

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She is 100% in season, good times... She was butt rubbing everything last night, and doesn't take no for an answer either. My knee, Pats elbow, hip and arm, gesh. I can not wait for this to be over and get my sweet cute loving Lily back, not the Cujo she has become. This is sad, I lined up water bottles on the floor and aimed them at her stand in hopes she wouldn't fly off. There was this half circle of a water army aimed at her and she just flew right over them, then she would turn around and tell them hello. This girl isn't afraid of anything, I remember with Gus I could lean a broom up against something and he would freeze on his stand, Lily I think would just hump it! Yeah for the weekend, they can spend some time outside!

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Amazingly, Lily did really well yesterday. Only off her stand a few times but she was outside and then had a full blown bath. Once she dried the jumping started but only twice. She was much calmer all day, even before she went outside so maybe she has passed the peak of season a little. hahaha, we will see.lol

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Gus and Koko sitting on an arm


First comes love...


Heehee, they like each other. That was their first time near each other and separating them was tricky. After Lily's attack we thought he would be a bit more timid but nope, she groomed him and he groomed her and I had to sweep the floor when they were done. We thought we did a good job with the feather upkeep but nothing like they did for each other. lol She even got to clean his crown feathers where his booboo from Lily is still healing.

Lily on the other hand hated this and showed it and voiced it!

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Just about all weekend, Lily stayed in the bird room. Her choice because she wouldn't step up to come into the living room, so we just let her come out when she wanted too. Once did come out she would fly again so she went to her room for a time out, rinse and repeat. We were doing a lot of work this weekend and every time we walked by Koko she would ask us what we were doing, it is funny that we would stop and explain it to her, not just say working but exactly what we were doing. I had project driveway, removing old oil stains. (looks like we have a brand new driveway now!) Pat was re-routing the dryer vent and moving the electrical line for the dryer so I could move it. ( he did great, the dryer however did not make the 2 ft move very well, once we plugged it in we got an error code and the dumb machine is frozen. We are going to look at new ones today and he is soooo not happy because it will mean new dryer new vent location, lol)

Cotay, Oliver and Bongo go to the Vet Wednesday, grooming time and a check up for Cotay. Cotay has turned into a mess since she has learned to fly some. Her and Gabby are fighting for territory. Gabby thinks her territory is everything but Cotays stand and Cotay will not give up the kitchen table and chairs. Gabby won one yesterday and Cotay ended up on the floor so she went directly to the baseboard and chewed away.

Have I mentioned that I can not wait to move to the country so these guys will all have outdoor separate cages? Gus and Koko are doing ok on the same stand for a little while but then one of the will fly off and want to be alone. Gus is also going after Koko's legs, not sure why or what is drawing him to do that but once he gets focused, game over!

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Hmmm, it was not even close to being balanced but now we have the issue of it being locked until the codes are cleared and also replacing the circuit board. It was acting screwy before we moved it and we moved it to vent more direct as it was cutting off every 5 minutes and it took 3 days to dry one normal load. They are the ge adora and I HATE THEM, wanna find my normal top load Kenmore style again. Lol

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Found a new used one for 200 to get us by until we can afford a new set. Nice to have cloths again! lol

So this thread seems to be about all of my flock and yesterday was vet day.


Only 4 went, 3 got their nails done and beaks, Cotay had her toe checked and Bubba had his buttroid frozen off again. It was pretty funny, they were all in an exam room when we picked them up and my Bongo just wanted him mommy. He has the thick beak that grows out from his face so his trim is pretty traumatic. I got him out and he ran up my arm and put his head on my chest while I rubbed his neck. This is the boy who doesn't like to be touched! The umbrellas will have their day at the vet too but they are all okay. They destroy enough that their beaks stay trimmed and their nails we can do so they just have their annuals. lol I was impressed with our bill, 170 for all of them. I guess you get bulk discounts, hahaha.

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Got a call yesterday about helping with a surrender. We went there to lend a hand, it was so sad. It was an older gentleman who's spouse (who is the primary bird handler) went into the hospital a few months ago. He is very sick himself and couldn't keep up with the birds. His neighbors would come help when they could but were afraid of the birds. Most were blue and gold macaws, a few scarlets and amazons. He kept 7 that he said would make his spouse smile if he ever got to come home again. They are both in their 60's and he has arthritis so bad that he only has use of one hand and must use a cane inside the house but needs a walker or a chair but he won't use them because they scare the birds. I offered through a friend of his to come to his home once a week and clean the cages for him, my heart really went out to him as he loves these birds to no end and his body may be giving out on him but his heart and soul are not. The birds were all in great health, he feed them well and when his spouse was there they were not in the cages very much. They did a swab and no diseases or even bacteria. It was the cleanest dirty I have ever seen.

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Well cared for birds that require surrender are sometime more difficult for me to assist with. You have that desire to enable them to remain where they are loved it just breaks your heart to see the humans grieving while doing their best to see their flock well cared for.

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So, we had to go out after work yesterday. Went to his mom's who got her newest grandchild, Koko, some baby keys. When we got home, I was pretty surprised to find Koko on top of her cage and not in it! Lucky she didn't wander around, she just stayed on top and ate the wall and a 1x4 attached to the wall for them to chew. She adores her keys though. lol Her and Gus have become quite the buddies to, which is really nice. Koko also has a new leg feather coming in and a feather on her chest. (these are in addition to the two feathers that were on her chest when she arrived! She is just such a ham!


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